Agricultural water management in the context of climate change in Africa
Agricultural water management (AWM) offers a way of facilitating water-centered development to simultaneously reduce poverty, increase food security, and adapt to climate variability and change. It aims to decrease ...
Climate science, information and services in Africa status, gaps and needs
Building resilience against the negative impacts of climate and maximizing the benefits from favorable conditions will require designing and implementing effective climate risk management strategies.These
strategies ...
Vulnerability to climate change in Africa challenges and recommendations for Africa
Africa is highly vulnerable to climate change mainly because of its strong economic dependency on climate-related activities and products and low adaptive capacity.This low adaptive capacity is linked to weak economies, ...
Climate financing global imperatives and implications for climate-resilient development in Africa
Climate financing is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in both developing and developed countries.It is an essential part of securing a low carbon development future that does not sacrifice urgently needed ...
Climate change and agriculture in Africa challenges and promises
Climate change and climate variability add to the challenges that face the agricultural sector in Africa. Worldwide, considerable shifts in long-term averages and variability in rainfall and temperature, sea levels, and ...
Climate change and health in Africa issues and options
African countries will suffer health consequences related to the effects of climate change as their people are among the most vulnerable to climatic change in the world. This vulnerability is due in part to existing problems ...
Fossil fuels in Africa in a carbon constrained future
Africa has substantial reserves of fossil fuel resources.These include about 9.5% of the total global proven reserves of crude oil, 8% of natural gas reserves, and 4% of coal reserves. Much of the fossil fuel in Africa ...
Management of groundwater in Africa: implications for meeting MDGs, livelihood goals and adaptation to climate change
Groundwater is one of the most important sources for drinking water, livestock water and irrigation in Africa. Three major factors are driving the heightened interest in groundwater development in Africa. The UN Millennium ...
Renewable energy and climate change exploring the policy options for Africa
Climate change is challenge to sustainable development in Africa. Even though Africa contributes less than 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, it is disproportionately affected by the impact of climate change on, inter ...
Financing adaptation through a levy on international transport services
A modest, harmonized international levy imposed on air transport and marine freight services could make a significant contribution to meeting these needs without damaging the competitiveness of any country, region, or ...