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African Policy Centers
African Climate Policy Centre
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African Policy Centers
African Climate Policy Centre
Recent submissions
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African Climate Policy Centre: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 25-36 de 717
Draft resolution on carbon certification
High-level panel on innovative approaches to mobilizing climate finance to build forward better in Africa
Ninth conference on climate change and development in Africa: Theme: towards a just transition that delivers jobs, prosperity and climate resilience in Africa: leveraging the green and blue economy : concept note
Critical reflections on climate change and development in Africa the post-COVID-19 era : discussion paper
Third Africa Climate Talks: Climate change, COVID-19 and development in Africa and its small island developing States(SIDS) – from vulnerability to building resilience
Response of African countries to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report on global warming of 1.5°C: implications and options analysis : African Climate Policy Centre
Socioeconomic benefits of climate information services for disaster risk reduction in Africa : final report by the African Climate Policy Centre of the Economic Commission for Africa
African Union climate change and resilient development strategy and action plan (2022-2032)
Le changement climatique pose un sérieux défi pour la réalisation des ODD
Final Report on the creation of three interconnected sectoral simulation models on agriculture, water and energy, customized and parametrized to Cameroon, Uganda and Mozambique
Participation du secteur privé aux services d’information sur le climat en Afrique
Private sector engagement in climate information services in Africa
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