Africa Day : COP21 Paris France
This paper focuses on the Paris climate summit on the theme of intended nationally determined contributions: implications, prospects and Africa’s readiness to contribute to solutions.
CCDA-V parallel session : what is at stake in Paris and beyond? the views of Africa young lawyers
The Young African Lawyers Programme (YAL) established under the ClimDev- Africa Programme have the overarching goal of strengthening African’s Negotiating Position and ensuring African countries get the best possible deal ...
Why it is important for Africa? : COP21
Over the last decade or so Africa has generally been experiencing high levels of economic growth. The implications of climate change for the sustainability of this growth, or its translation into development, are immense. ...
Young African lawyers (YAL) : programme on climate change
This paper focuses on the young Africa lawyers’ programmme on climate change. It’s goal is strengthening African’s negotiating position and ensuring Africa gets the best possible deal under the UNFCCC process. The programme ...
Young African lawyers (YAL) Programme Legal support in Africa’s response to climate change
This paper focuses on the young African lawyers (YAL) programme on the theme of legal support in Africa’s response to climate change. The overarching aim of the Young Africa Lawyers (YAL) programme, established by ...
Is global climate change governance working for Africa?
This paper focuses on the COP 21 flagship on the theme of Is global climate change governance working for Africa? This briefing pinpoints key issues for the continent and examines what’s at stake in Paris.
Climate information services for Africa’s sustainable development – How to improve delivery and uptake?: ClimDev – Africa Dinner Dialogue
This paper focuses on the ClimDev-Africa dinner dialogue on the theme of climate information services for Africa’s sustainable development-how to improve delivery and uptake?. The dinner dialogue aims to: discuss the ...
Climate research for development in Africa (CR4D) : advancing new frontiers of African climate research to enhance co-production of climate information and services for Development Planning
This paper focuses on the climate research for development in Africa (CR4D). the goal is to create a multi-institutional and multi-stakeholder collaborative platform that mobilizes expertise and resources to facilitate ...
African climate solutions in the new climate change agreement : high level event at COP21
In Africa, climate change constitutes a major threat to the continent’s development, and has major implications and impacts on African economies. For instance, climate extremes such as drought, flooding, heat stress and ...
CCDA-V parallel session lessons learnt and emerging views from preparing INDC in Africa
The objective of the discussion session is to share the concrete lessons learnt by countries in preparing their INDCs and how that has influenced national views of the entire process.