Good preparations strengthen Africa's negotiating positions at COP19, experts
As negotiators and experts prepare to enter the high level segment of the 19th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP19), which opened in Warsaw this week, the mood ...
First phase of ACPC workshop series on meteorological data to cover five African countries
The initial phase of ACPC workshop series on meteorological data opened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this morning and will soon extend four other African countries, ECA’s Director for the Division of Food Security and Sustainable ...
Les petits Etats insulaires attirent l'attention sur les vulnérabilités au changement climatique
La troisième Conférence internationale sur les petits États insulaires en développement se tiendra du 1er au 4 septembre 2014 à Apia, Samoa, mais des activités liées à la conférence seront organisées au préalable du 28 au ...
African journalists hone skills to get it right on climate change reporting
The challenges posed by impacts of climate change to ordinary livelihoods in Africa are too acute to deserve the patchy coverage the African media give the phenomenon, some 40 African journalists concluded at the end of ...
Good debut for ACPC at Cancun climate change conference
The newly launched African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) has been making an impressive debut at the current UN Conference on climate change in Cancun, according to correspondents of the Information and Communication Service ...
Africa urged to address challenges that may affect Paris agreement implementation
There is an urgent need for African countries to review and revise their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to address challenges that can affect the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change ...
New report says $100 billion annually can be mobilized for climate financing in developing countries
A new report on the potential sources of revenue for financing climate change mitigation and adaptation activities in developing countries concludes that it is feasible to mobilize $100 billion annually by 2020, though ...
La 5ème Conférence, plate-forme pour faire progresser la recherche sur le climat en Afrique
La 5ème Conférence annuelle sur le changement climatique et le développement en Afrique (CCDA 5) tenue à Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe promet d’être la plate-forme de discussions pour la recherche climatique en Afrique, selon ...
The Africa Pavilion at COP21 officially opens on a high note
Africa today sent an unequivocal message of solidarity and unity of purpose at the official opening of the Africa Pavilion at the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Speaking at the high level opening, President Yayi Boni of Benin, ...
L'Afrique est le continent d'aujourd'hui, a dit Mme Zuma de la Commission de l'Union Africaine
L'Afrique est non seulement le continent de l'avenir, mais surtout le continent d’aujourd'hui, Mme Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Présidente de la Commission de l'Union Africaine a dit à des milliers de participants à la cérémonie ...