Note conceptuelle: Atelier de partage de connaissances et de partenariat dans le cadre des forums régionaux sur l’évolution probable du climat
L’objectif des forums régionaux sur l’évolution probable du climat est d’aboutir à un consensus sur les perspectives climatiques saisonnières régionales dans les secteurs socioéconomiques sensibles au climat afin de soutenir ...
Community radio for local solutions resilience and innovation in response to climate change: African climate center and developing radio partners
The African Climate Policy Center, through the ClimDev-Africa program, partnered with Developing Radio Partners on a pilot project to build the capacity of community radio stations and their staff regarding climate change, ...
African Clim-Dev Youth Platform (ACLYP) Participation at the COY 11, African Pavilion and UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris
The African Clim-Dev Youth Platform(ACLYP) have earmarked activities for this defining year, where the world is charting the way forward on development, with climate change bearing a cross cutting angle to it. ACLYP desires ...
The economic case for climate information services
A new framework developed by the African Climate Policy Center will enable governments to weigh up the economic and social benefits of climate information services against the costs of investment to improve generation and ...
WISER: Driving change in climate information to spur Africa’s development: Policy and Enabling Environment Component
Africa’s exposure to climate change puts decades of progress in development and poverty reduction at risk while threatening the livelihoods of millions. Climate shocks and stresses are compromising bright growth prospects ...
Sustainable development and climate change :how North Africa is positioning itself ?
This publication provides an overview of how the region is coping with climate change. It highlights the vulnerability of the region and the potential impacts on key sectors.Significant efforts made by countries have been ...
La bioénergie pour l’Afrique: opportunités, contraintes et compromis
La bioénergie, qui se réfère à tous les combustibles issus de la biomasse, est la plus importante source d’énergie renouvelable. La proportion de bioénergie dans certains pays en développement dépasse 90% de leur ...
Concept note COP 21 African pavilion
This paper focuses on the concept note of COP 21 African Pavilion. The report of the African Pavilion Secretariat, “The Africa Pavilion: A summary of African discussions and lessons from the Africa Pavilion, COP17/MOP7”, ...
Building resilience to climate variability and change in African SIDS: implementing the Samoa pathway : Side event
The event will discuss the implementation of the SAMOA Pathway with specific focus on support provided by ClimDev-Africa through UNECA ACPC. Presentations will focus on perspectives, status of current implementation and; ...
Food security in North Africa situation analysis and reactions from the states over the instability of agricultural markets
This report aims for a better understanding of the effect of rising prices of basic products and policy measures implemented by countries to deal with this in the short term but also over the longer term, as part of an ...