Eighth quarterly briefing meeting with African Ambassadors = Huitième reunion trimestrielle d’information à l’intention des ambassadeurs africains : 30 September 2014 Addis Ababa
This note provides an overview of the substantive work carried out by ECA over the past three months, highlights the key events that will be taking place in the next three months, and discusses some of the Commission’s new ...
Statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes UN Uunder- Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA : at the third annual conference on climate change and development in Africa (CCDA-III) -can climate change spring Africa's transformative development
This Statement delivered by Mr. Carlos Lopes UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA. At the Third Annual Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III) - Can Climate Change Spring ...
Projet de déclaration de Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire général adjoint de l’ONU et Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA: Troisième Conférence annuelle sur les changements climatiques et le développement en Afrique
Ce document est une allocution de bienvenue de Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire général adjoint de l’ONU et Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA faite à l’occasion troisième Conférence annuelle sur les changements climatiques et le ...
Africa regional forum on sustainable development: closing remarks by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Africa 18 June 2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Closing Remarks by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Africa at the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development. Mr. Lopes, on his remarks outlined that, Africa is ...
Carlos Lopes - L'Afrique doit faire preuve de vigilance à la CdP21, à Paris
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commissionéconomique pour l'Afrique, M. Carlos Lopes, met en garde que l'issue des négociationsactuelles de la CdP21 pourrait poser des problèmes à l’Afrique si elle ne repose pas sur lesprincipes ...
Second annual conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa : Statement by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA
Statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the 2nd annual conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa. Mr. Lopes, on his remarks highlighted that, the area of ...
The 10th EUMETSAT user forum in Africa: Statement by CARLOS LOPES UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA
This Statement delivered by Carlos Lopes ECA Executive Secretary and UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the 10th EUMESAT user forum in Africa. Mr. Lopes,on his remarks highlighted that, The 10th ...
The future of the Africa-EU partnership JAES lunch-seminars: Talking Points Africa-EU: Dialogue and Negotiations in Global Fora Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA
This talking points delivered by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the Future of the Africa-EU Partnership JAES Lunch-Seminars. Mr. Lopes, on his remarks highlighted that, the changing ...
Statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes at the 10th EUMETSAT user forum in Africa: the 10th eumetsat user forum in Africa
Statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes at the 10th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa. Mr. Lopes on his remarks highlighted that, This User Forum symbolizes the important role that partnerships can play to achieve mutually beneficial ...
Third annual conference on climate change and development in Africa (CCDA-III): Can climate change spring Africa's transformative development
This statement delivered by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the Third Annual Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDAIII). Mr. Lopes on his remarks highlighted ...