Rectas: blazing the trail in capacity building for geoinformation production and management for sustainable management of land ,environment and natural resources in Africa
The need for a Regional Cartographic Centre was first mooted at the 1st United Nations (UN) Cartographic Conference held in 1963 in Nairobi, Kenya. Consequently, the 8th Session of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ...
Natural resources and technology: competitiveness and sustainable development in Africa
This paper has been prepared for the Food Security and Sustainable Development Division by a visiting scholar, Mr. Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka. The views expressed are those of its author and do not necessarily reflect those ...
Provisional annotated programme of work
Information and communicatioin technology as a tool for modernisation
It is argued that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a vital too! In Africa's modernization plan. Information Technology, Communication Technology, and their convergence into ICT are discussed. The use of ...
Project proposal: enhancing science and technology policy and capacity in Africa through the advancement of ESTNT
Governments need to deal with the current challenges of globalization and technological change through effective S&T policies. Such policies should be designed to suit governments' individual framework conditions for ...
Investing in science and technology in Africa : policy issues and options for the 21st century
This paper has been prepared by Mr. Titus Adeboye as consultant to the United Nations Secretariat. The views expressed are those of its author and do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations or its member States. ...
Rapport d'activité sur la suite donnée aux décisions de la première réunion du comité des ressources naturelles, de la science et de la technologie
Le présent rapport vise à fournir des informations succinctes sur la suite donnée aux décisions prises lors de la première réunion du Comité des ressources naturelles, de la science et de la technologie (CNRST-1). Il rend ...
Report of the third meeting of the advisory board on science and technology : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2 - 4 October 2000
The Third Meeting of the Advisory Board on Science and Technology (ABST3) was held from 2 to 4 October 2000 at the Headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in the United Nations Conference ...
Information age government: Success stories of online land records & revenue governance from India : executive summary
The manual systems of maintaining land records in India are as diverse as the country itself. The traditional methods have been changing over the years in each state according to local practices and traditions. The procedure ...
Development of spatial data infrastructure in Lesotho
Spatial data is crucial for sustainable land management and environmental protection; therefore the development of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) ensures accessibility of information for decision-making. Many national ...