Progress report on the activities of the "food security and sustainable development"subprogramme for the biennium 2008-2009
This progress report on the activities of the Subprogramme for the biennium 2008-2009 is being submitted to the sixth session of the Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development (CFSSD-6) to inform the committee ...
Questions émanant des organes subsidiaires de la commission
Le présent document contient des résumes des débats ainsi que les résolutions, décisions et recommandations des organes subs1d1aires de la Commission qui se sont réunis depuis la dernière session, tenue en mai 1999.
Annual report 2005 : Economic Commission for Africa
This document is a 2005 Annual report of the Twenty-fourth meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance,Planning and Economic Development.
Progress report on the follow-up to major conferences and summits
This document is a Progress report on the follow-up to major conferences and summits, of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance,
Planning and Economic Development/Fortieth session of the Commission.
Enabling environment for geospatial information technology uptake in Africa
The Committee on Development Information (CODI) strove to provide an enabling environment for sustainable development through the work of its subcommittees on information and communications technology (ICT), knowledge, ...
Fostering Agricultural Transformation for Food Security, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa
This document contains information on Fostering Agricultural Transformation for Food Security, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa, Conference of African Ministers of Finance,Planning and Economic Development/Fortieth ...
Issues from the subsidiary organs of the commission
The present document contains summaries of the discussions, resolutions, decisions and recommendations of the subsidiary organs of the Commission, which have held meetings since the last session held in May 1999.
External review of the Economic Commission for Africa's (ECA) work : outcome and way forward
This papare focused on the ECA Conference of Ministers held in October 2002 directed that a review of ECA be undertaken to assess the impact of the reforms on the capacity of ECA to respond effectively to the changing ...
Draft strategic framework : proposed biennial programme plan 2006-2007
This document is a Draft strategic framework of the proposed biennial programme plan 2006-2007, of the Twenty-third meeting of the Committee of Experts Thirty-seventh session of the Commission/Conference of the Conference ...
Rapport annuel 2005
Le rapport annuel est un des documents qui permettent au secrétariat de la CEA de rendre compte de la mise en oeuvre de ses activités au principal organe délibérant de la Commission, à savoir la Conférence des ministres ...