Annual report 2005 : Economic Commission for Africa
This document is a 2005 Annual report of the Twenty-fourth meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance,Planning and Economic Development.
GIS implementation to support poverty reduction policy and drought management in Ethiopia
This research was conducted with the aim of studying the qualitative and quantitative aspects for the wide utilization of GIS technology in Ethiopia as the backbone information infrastructure for drought management and ...
Review of the application of environmental impact assessment in selected African countries
This report on “Review of The Application of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Selected African Countries” which includes good practices and lessons learned provides an account of country experiences in the ...
Management of land-based resources for sustainable development : policy recommendations
This paper states that the development strategy of most African countries, since independence, has depended mainly upon the exploitation of their natural resources. These include agriculture, minerals, energy, water and ...
Sustainable development outlook for Africa
This two-part paper attempts to address some of the questions that are specifically related to the environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Part 1 of the paper, which focuses on the sub-theme "Reflections on ...
Theme : "participation and partnerships for improving development and governance in Africa"
The third meeting of the Committee on Human Development and Civil Society (CHDCS) is organized under the theme "Participation and Partnerships for Improving Development and Governance in Africa". The aim is to facilitate ...
Afrique et les négociations agricoles
Rapport annuel 2005
Le rapport annuel est un des documents qui permettent au secrétariat de la CEA de rendre compte de la mise en oeuvre de ses activités au principal organe délibérant de la Commission, à savoir la Conférence des ministres ...
Advisory services to the African Commission on agricultural statistics : mission report
This paper deals with the 19th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS) was held in Maputo, Mozambique, from 24 to 27 October 2005 and gathered more than 80 agricultural statisticians from 31 ...
Examens mutuels CEA/OCDE-CAD de l'efficacité au regard du développement dans le contexte du NEPAD : Examens mutuels 2005 projet de constats et de propositions d'action pour examen
Le présent document annoncé les principaux temps forts et réunions prévus pour les mois à venir qui marqueront, dans le cadre du processus des examens mutuels, le passage de la phase de réalisation des examens à la phase ...