Strategies for promoting effective stakeholder participation in the African peer review mechanism
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) has been heralded, since its adoption by African Heads of State Summit in Lusaka in July 2001, as Africa’s vision and compact for development in the 21st Century. The ...
Improving Agricultural productivity and natural resource management in the Great Lakes region of East and Central Africa : enhancing poverty reduction and guewth prospects in East Africa
This paper examines managing the nexus between poverty, declining agricultural productivity and natural resources requires an approach that integrates appropriate technologies, institutional innovation, and an enabling ...
Poverty and food security in Eastern Africa : enhancing poverty reduction and growth prospects in East Africa
Practically all countries in Eastern Africa suffer from food insecurity and many people live in abject poverty: below a dollar a day. In which case, achieving the Millennium Development Goal, of reducing by half the ...
GIS implementation to support poverty reduction policy and drought management in Ethiopia
This research was conducted with the aim of studying the qualitative and quantitative aspects for the wide utilization of GIS technology in Ethiopia as the backbone information infrastructure for drought management and ...
Management of land-based resources for sustainable development : policy recommendations
This paper states that the development strategy of most African countries, since independence, has depended mainly upon the exploitation of their natural resources. These include agriculture, minerals, energy, water and ...
Sustainable development outlook for Africa
This two-part paper attempts to address some of the questions that are specifically related to the environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Part 1 of the paper, which focuses on the sub-theme "Reflections on ...
Development effectiveness in Africa : promise and performance: applying mutual accountability
The relationship between Africa and its development partners is
undergoing radical change. At the centre of this new relationship
is the establishment by Africans of the African Union, the NEPAD
initiative and the African ...
Report of the workshop on interventions to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on smallholder agriculture, food security and rural livelihoods in southern Africa
HIV/AIDS has added significantly to the problems of agriculture and food security
in Africa through its effect on subsistence agriculture, where production is highly labor
intensive. AIDS causes severe labor and economic ...
Bulletin du développement durable de l'Afrique : 2005 bilan du développement durable en Afrique
Dans le présent article, on commencera par justifier le caractère indispensable de l'évaluation de la situation en matière de développement durable en Afrique avant d'examiner la nécessité de mettre en place les instruments ...