African statistical yearbook 2004 = Annuaire Statistique pour l' Afrique 2004 : vol. I, Part 2 - Western Africa = Partie 2 - Afrique du l'ouest
The 2004 African Statistical Yearbook presents data arranged on a country basis for 1 African members States. This publication which constitutes the second part of Volume I covers the fifteen countries in West Africa. When ...
African statistical yearbook 2004 = Annuaire statistique pour l' Afrique 2004 : vol. II, Part 3 - Central Africa = Partie 3 - Afrique Centrale
The 2004 African Statistical Yearbook, the twenty third issue, presents data arranged on a country basis for 53 ECA member States, generally for the years 1995 to 2003 or for the last nine years for which data are available. ...