Mainstreaming mineral wealth in growth and poverty reduction strategies
The paper argues that poor performance is not an inherent characteristic of minerals-driven economies. It considers mineral endowments a capital that can spur growth and reduce poverty in developing countries if deployed ...
Projet de cadre stratégique : plan programme biennal proposé pour la période 2006-2007
Le document contient le plan-programme biennal concernant les activités de la CEA pour la période 2006-2007, y compris les objectifs, les réalisations escomptées et la stratégie pour chacun des huit sous-programmes. Le ...
Africa's sustainable development bulletin 2004
This is the first issue of Africa's Sustainable Development Bulletin, (ASDB), an initiative of the Sustainable Development Division (SDD) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). ASDB will be produced annually in English ...
Use of gender disaggregated data in policy making towards poverty reduction: an issue paper
The aim of this Issues Paper is to review progress so far made since the Beijing Platform for Action (BPA). 1995 in the production and use of gender-dis-aggregated data (ODD) to address key issues in policy making towards ...
Principles, methodology and strategy for promoting the African green revolution : a design and training manual
Now and again, it has been argued that lack of appropriate/improved technologies and non-use of complementary improved inputs are the root causes of the African vicious circle of low agricultural productivity, food shortage, ...
Aide Memoire : " AD- HOC expert meeting on science and technology issues for sustainable development: principles, methodology and strategy for promoting the African green revolution (16-18 November 2004, Addis Ababa)
Science and technology are at the core of food security and sustainable development. In the agricultural sector in Africa, key challenges remain in increasing agricultural production and delivery through the harnessing of ...
Briefing note number 2
This briefing note highlights major ways in which ECA has successfully implemented key elements of its work programme in the period under review through six major modalities it also review the way forward in order to deepen ...
The secretary General address to the African Union summit
This statement addressed by the secretary-General to the African Union Summit. The Secretary-General on his remarks highlighted that, the vision of the Union, the principles that should guide it, and the strategies it ...
Main Conclusions and Recommendations = Principales Conclusions et Recommandations : report of the regional Ministerial review Conference on implementation of the Dakar/Ngor declaration and the programme of action of the International Conference on Population and Developent - ICPD at 10 = Rapport de la Conférence Ministerielle regionale de revue de la mise en œuvre de la Déclaration de Dakar/Ngor et di Programme d'action de la Conférence Internatioanle sur la population et le développement - CIPD +10.
The Regional Ministerial Review Conference on Implementation of the Dakar/Ngor Declaration on Population, Family and Sustainable Development (DND) and the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population ...
Aide Memoire (opening statement by Josuè Dionè) : " AD- HOC expert meeting on science and technology issues for sustainable development: principles, methodology and strategy for promoting the African green revolution (16-18 November 2004, Addis Ababa)
The pursuit of a Green Revolution in Africa can only proceed from a full recognition of the complexity arising from the diversity of agro-ecological zones, farming systems and socio-cultural contexts of the continent. It ...