Africa's sustainable development bulletin : assessing sustainable development in Africa 2005
In this article, the need for assessing the status of sustainable development in Africa is rationalized. Then, the need for devising tools to facilitate the tracking of progress is discussed. While the complex and inter-related ...
Can market access help African agriculture?
This paper examines the implications for African economies of the possible outcomes from the ongoing agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round. The paper defines scenarios that capture key elements of the modalities ...
Population environment development agricultural model: Technical manual
This paper examines the last two decades, Africa experienced a severe crisis manifested among others in the constant decline of its economic growth rate. Since 1994, the economic situation of the continent has improved ...
Information and communicatioin technology as a tool for modernisation
It is argued that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a vital too! In Africa's modernization plan. Information Technology, Communication Technology, and their convergence into ICT are discussed. The use of ...
Modèle population environnement développement agriculture: manuel de l'utilisateur
Le logiciel Population, Environnement, Développement, Agriculture a été mis au point par la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA), en collaboration avec l'institut International pour l'Analyse des ...
Afrique et l'organization mondiale du commerce (OMC) : Doha et au-delà
Dans le pays africain type, l'agriculture est un secteur majeur qui contribue au produit intérieur brut, aux recettes d'exportation et aux emplois hauteur de 35%, de 40% et de 70% en moyenne, respective ment. Les activités ...
African statistical yearbook 2001 = Annuaire statistique pour l' Afrique 2001 : vol. II, Part 3 - Central Africa = Partie 3 - Afrique Centrale
The 2001 African Statistical Yearbook presents data arranged on a country basis for 7 African members States. This publication which constitutes the third part of Volume II covers the seven countries in East Africa. When ...
High level stakholders meeting on sustainable development
The institutional units are grouped together to form five institutional sectors on the basis of their principal functions, behaviours and objectives. They are the non -financial corporations sector, the financial corporations ...
African statistical yearbook 2001 = Annuaire statistique pour l' Afrique 2001 : vol. II, Part 4 - East Africa = Partie 4 - Afrique de l'est
The 2001 African Statistical Yearbook presents data arranged on a country basis for 14 African members States. This publication which constitutes the fourth part of Volume II covers the fourteen countries in East Africa. ...
Multilateral agricultural liberalization : what's in it for Afica?
This paper examines the implications for African economies of the possible outcomes from the ongoing agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round. The paper defines scenarios that capture key elements of the modalities ...