Africa's sustainable development bulletin : assessing sustainable development in Africa 2005
In this article, the need for assessing the status of sustainable development in Africa is rationalized. Then, the need for devising tools to facilitate the tracking of progress is discussed. While the complex and inter-related ...
Examen mutuel de l'efficacité du développement dans le contexte du NEPAD- introduction
La notion de responsabilité mutuelle entre partenaires de développement pour ce qui est de la mise en oeuvre de leurs engagements respectifs et de la réalisation de leurs objectifs communs a été pour la première fois énoncée ...
Strategies for promoting effective stakeholder participation in the African peer review mechanism
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) has been heralded, since its adoption by African Heads of State Summit in Lusaka in July 2001, as Africa’s vision and compact for development in the 21st Century. The ...
Management of land-based resources for sustainable development : highlights on the status of sustainable development in Africa
This paper focused on managing land based resources for sustainable development: highlights on the status of sustainable development in Africa.
Efficacité du développement en Afrique: engagements et performances: application du principe de responsabilité mutuelle
Le premier Examen mutuel de l’efficacité au regard du développement a été rédigé conjointement par nos deux organisations à la demande du NEPAD. Lorsqu’ils ont formulé leur demande, les responsables du NEPAD cherchaient à ...
Sustainable development report on Africa : 2005
This document focuses on Sustainable development report on Africa. Sustainable development is the main focus of this inaugural 2005 issue of the Sustainable Development Report on Africa (SDRA). The SDRA provides the first ...
Report on "Energy for sustainable development" in Africa
This paper focuses on Report on "Energy for sustainable development" in Africa. The issue of accessibility to modern energy was linked to poverty alleviation efforts in some cases, but unfortunately not always. The need ...
Report to the CSD on the ECA programme for promoting biotechnology in Africa
This paper focuses on the report to the CSD on the ECA programme for promoting biotechnology in Africa. This report is produced as a background document for the fourth meeting of the Committee on Sustainable Development ...
Progress report on the implementation of the activities of the sub-programme "Fostering sustainable development" during the 2004-2005 biennium
The objective is to strengthen the capacity of member States to design institutional arrangements and implement national policies and programmes that reinforce the linkages within the nexus of food security, population, ...
Improving Agricultural productivity and natural resource management in the Great Lakes region of East and Central Africa : enhancing poverty reduction and guewth prospects in East Africa
This paper examines managing the nexus between poverty, declining agricultural productivity and natural resources requires an approach that integrates appropriate technologies, institutional innovation, and an enabling ...