Rapport annuel 2002 : Commission Economique pour l'Afrique
Le présent rapport d'enquête socio-économique couvre 13 pays de la sous-région 1'Afrique de l'Est. Il est divisé en sept parties qui analysent toute la situation économique, sociale et démographique de la sous-région au ...
Proposed programme of work and priorities for the biennium 2008 - 2009
This document contains information on the Proposed programme of work and priorities for the biennium 2008 - 2009, of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance,Planning and Economic Development/Fortieth
session of the ...
Examen mutuel de l'efficacité du développement dans le contexte du NEPAD- introduction
La notion de responsabilité mutuelle entre partenaires de développement pour ce qui est de la mise en oeuvre de leurs engagements respectifs et de la réalisation de leurs objectifs communs a été pour la première fois énoncée ...
Proposed strategic framework for the period 2010 - 2011: biennial programme plan :
The 2008 Conference of Ministers is invited to consider and endorse the proposed Strategic Framework/Biennial Programme Plan for the 10 subprogrammes of the Commission. The proposed Strategic Framework incorporating the ...
Communiqué adopté en septembre 2000 par le groupe ministeriel des pays sans littoral en développement
Dans le contexte actuel de mondialisation, de libéralisation et de progression rapide des technologies de l'information et de la communication, nous sommes profondément préoccupes par le fait que les pays en développement ...
Africa regional statement to the 16th session of UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-16) on agriculture and rural development, land, drought and desertification and "Africa"
This document provides information on The Africa regional statement to the 16th session of UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-16) on agriculture and rural development, land, drought and desertification and "Africa".
Progress report on the implementation of the activities of the sub-programme "Fostering sustainable development" during the 2004-2005 biennium
The objective is to strengthen the capacity of member States to design institutional arrangements and implement national policies and programmes that reinforce the linkages within the nexus of food security, population, ...
Draft report of the comittee of experts of the second joint meeting of the AU conference of ministers of economy and finance and ECA conference of AFRICAN ministers of finance, planning and economic developmet
The second Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development was held in Cairo, Egypt from 2 to 7 June 2009. ...
Report on the follow-up to the implementation of the outcomes of the world summit on sustainable development
Follow-up on the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in the Africa region is a recurrent theme of the work programme of the Sustainable Development Division (SDD) of the ...
A New global compact with Africa by K.Y. Amoako executive secretary of ECA at the 8th session of the ECA conference of ministers of finance
A new global deal for LDC's A New global compact with Africa by K. Y. Amoako Executive Secretary of ECA at the Eight Session of the ECA Conference of Ministers of Finance. Mr. Amoako on his remarks highlighted that, The ...