Address by his exellencey Joaquim Alberto Chissano president of the republic of Mozanbique and chairperson of the African Union on the occassion of the III assembly of the African union
H.E. Joaquim Alberto Chissano remarks highlighted on the vision of African leaders of shaping the African Union with the bodies capable of fulfilling the legitimate aspirations of our peoples, continued to gain momentum. ...
External review of the Economic Commission for Africa's (ECA) work : outcome and way forward
This papare focused on the ECA Conference of Ministers held in October 2002 directed that a review of ECA be undertaken to assess the impact of the reforms on the capacity of ECA to respond effectively to the changing ...
Draft strategic framework : proposed biennial programme plan 2006-2007
This document is a Draft strategic framework of the proposed biennial programme plan 2006-2007, of the Twenty-third meeting of the Committee of Experts Thirty-seventh session of the Commission/Conference of the Conference ...