Economic Report on Africa 1990
This Economic Report on Africa 1990, which provides an analysis of the main socio economic trends and issues in the African region in 1989 and outlook for 1990 as well as updates the Preliminary Assessment of the Performance ...
Economic Report on Africa 1995
In 1994, the gross domestic product (GOP) of the African region grew by 2.4 per cent, compared to only 0.9 per cent in 1993 and -0.3 per cent in 1992. Despite the modest increase in growth in 1994, which was the fastest ...
Economic Report on Africa 1996
The African economy recorded its second highest annual growth rate. since the beginning of the decade, in 1995. Gross domestic product (GDP) for the region increased by 2.3 per cent, compared with a revised figure of2.1 ...
Economic Report on Africa 1991
This Economic Report on Africa 1991 which provides an analysis of the main socio-economic trends and issues in the African region in 1990 and outlook for 1991 as well as updates the Preliminary Assessment of the Performance ...
Rapport Economique sur l'Afrique 1991
Le présent Rapport économique sur 1'Afrique.1991 fait une analyse des principales tendances et questions socio-économiques dans la région africaine en 1990 et des perspectives pour 1991 et met a jour L’évaluation préliminaire ...
Economic Report on Africa 1994
Economic performance has again been disappointing in most African countries as it has been in the past decade and a half. Overall regional product grew by only 1 per cent in 1993, according to ECA's latest estimates, ...
Climate research for development in Africa (CR4D) : advancing new frontiers of African climate research to enhance co-production of climate information and services for Development Planning
This paper focuses on the climate research for development in Africa (CR4D). the goal is to create a multi-institutional and multi-stakeholder collaborative platform that mobilizes expertise and resources to facilitate ...
CCDA-V parallel session lessons learnt and emerging views from preparing INDC in Africa
The objective of the discussion session is to share the concrete lessons learnt by countries in preparing their INDCs and how that has influenced national views of the entire process.
Rapport Economique sur l'Afrique 1990
Le pressent rapport économique sur l’Afrique, 1990 qui présente une analyse des principales tendances et questions socio-économiques dans la région africaine en 1989 et les perspectives pour 1990 et met a jour l’évaluation ...
Rapport économique sur l'Afrique 1984
Deux institutions ont pour objectif commun de promouvoir le développement économique et social de l'Afrique : la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) et la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA). La BAD est habilite, ...