Problems of location of industries factors in industrial location
Role of the transport factor distance is becoming less and less of a constraint on industrial location of technical progress in tran transport, the development of lighter products and the use of less weighty raw materials. ...
Physical planning policies in relation to regional development
Relations between theory and practice focuses on the Economic development must not be considered solely in time but also in space. Economic planning and physical planning; the isolation between these two types of planning ...
Physical planning in the rural area
The paper focused on the Economic and social conditions in the rural area, equilibrium of rural communities, immediate and long- term problems of profitability. Land protection (protection against erosion etc. …). Indispensable ...
Les politiques’ d’aménagement du territoire, et le développement régional
Le développement économique ne doit pas être seulement considéré dans le temps mais aussi dans l’espace. Planification économique et planification physique : le cloisonnement existant entre ces deux types de planification ...
Transportation Survey
Transportation survey focuses on the importance of transportation in physical planning policies and Choice of geographic location of transportation.
Demarcation of regional frontiers and regional functions
The criteria for demarcating regions; geographic 9 historical, administrative, economic and social. The problems arising from the differences between the politico-administrative criteria and the economic criteria. ...