Problems of location of industries factors in industrial location
Role of the transport factor distance is becoming less and less of a constraint on industrial location of technical progress in tran transport, the development of lighter products and the use of less weighty raw materials. ...
La zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf) : un cours de formation en ligne
Ce document est le support de cours fédérant les cinq modules constitutifs de la formation en ligne dispensée du 24 Février au 05 Avril 2020 soit une durée de 10 semaines. Chaque module détaillé est précédé par sa présentation ...
Harmonization of monetary & fiscal policies for economic integration in Africa
The objectives of monetary and fiscal policies are, ultimately the same. This is true at least in theory because both policies have to exert certain influences upon economic variables such as output, prices, employment ...
Development planning the arithmetic of planning
The Arithmetic of Planning is the making of the plan should begin simultaneously at its two ends at the individual Project level and at the macroeconomic level. Then the results of these two are adjusted to one another. ...
Sierra Leon at 50 confronting old problems and preparing for new challenges
This document focused on Sierra Leone's development in its last 50 years. One of the compelling lessons of Sierra Leone's development in its last 50 years is how strongly its political trajectory tracks its economic ...
Project studies in transportation
The basic purpose of the economic evaluation of a project is to measure its economic costs and. benefits in order to determine whether its net benefits are at least as great as those obtainable from other investment ...
Development and tourism (a theoretical and empirical study)
The aim of this study is twofold. First of all, it is to draw attention to the need for a long-term development, strategy in the Third World as a first requirement. The second aim is to emphasize the necessity for each ...
Volta river project : a case study in financial analysis
The possibility of damming the Volta river to produce electric power has been under consideration in the former Gold Coast since 1915. The country had no known resources of coal nor oil and the Volta offered the best known ...
The determinants of real exchange rate in the West African monetary zone (WAMZ)
The study seeks to investigate the determinants of both the actual and equilibrium real exchange rate (RER) and to obtain a model-based equilibrium RER and characterise the nature of RER misalignment in the West African ...
Physical planning policies in relation to regional development
Relations between theory and practice focuses on the Economic development must not be considered solely in time but also in space. Economic planning and physical planning; the isolation between these two types of planning ...