Gender and poverty
This document focuses on introduces definitions and measurement of poverty and explores how gender dynamics influence poverty as policy makers typically define it, stressing the importance of the household as a social ...
Gender – responsive policy analysis
This document focuses on the following objectives that are : to synthesize the separate insights in relation to economics, gender relations, economic development strategies, sect oral issues and the development and ...
Gender and trade
This document analyzes gender and trade, focusing on linkages with development policies and welfare at the micro, meso, macro and international levels. It first examines some key concepts in trade theory from a gender ...
Gender and access to finance
This document provides a brief overview of the role of finance in development from a gender perspective, laying the conceptual foundations that then permit an examination of microfinance as one of the main strategic tools ...
Gender, data and indices
This document introduces participants to the use of data, statistics, indicators and indices in gender-aware economics and economic policy-making, highlighting that standard indices and indicators often fail to reflect ...
Unpaid care work
This document exposes participants to the concept of unpaid care work first introduced in Module 1. It explores how unpaid care work can be measured and valued, and how it might be considered—or ignored— in policy making. ...
Public finance and gender –responsive budgeting
This document explains broadly what gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) can entail while also highlighting inadvisable interpretations of the term. It explores how GRB interacts with public finance reforms and, in particular, ...
Employment and labour markets
This document focuses on the unpaid care work as a significant component of time and resource allocation in economic activity, this module introduces a gender analysis of employment and labor markets in an African context, ...
Gender and macroeconomics strategies in Africa: part I
This document focuses on reviewing the evolution of development strategies in post-independence Africa using macroeconomic theory and builds an analysis of development strategies from a gender perspective. The module should ...
Gender and macroeconomics strategies in Africa: part II
This document reviews contemporary macroeconomic development strategies in the context of globalization and the economic realities in Africa by critically evaluating poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs) from the ...