Rapport de la cinquante-cinquième réunion du Conseil d’administration de l’Institut africain de développement économique et de planification (IDEP)
La cinquante-cinquième réunion du Conseil d’administration (le Conseil) a débuté à 9h30 avec l’allocution de bienvenue de la Directrice de l’Institut de développement économique et de la planification (IDEP), Mme Karima ...
Gender and poverty
This document focuses on introduces definitions and measurement of poverty and explores how gender dynamics influence poverty as policy makers typically define it, stressing the importance of the household as a social ...
Gender – responsive policy analysis
This document focuses on the following objectives that are : to synthesize the separate insights in relation to economics, gender relations, economic development strategies, sect oral issues and the development and ...
Gender and trade
This document analyzes gender and trade, focusing on linkages with development policies and welfare at the micro, meso, macro and international levels. It first examines some key concepts in trade theory from a gender ...
Rapport 2018 sur la révolution des données en Afrique :statut et impacts émergents des données ouvertes en Afrique
Ce document présente sur le Rapport 2018 sur la révolution des données en Afrique se penche sur l'état actuel et l'évolution récente des données ouvertes - l'accent étant mis sur les données gouvernementales ouvertes - ...
Sierra Leon at 50 confronting old problems and preparing for new challenges
This document focused on Sierra Leone's development in its last 50 years. One of the compelling lessons of Sierra Leone's development in its last 50 years is how strongly its political trajectory tracks its economic ...
Gender and access to finance
This document provides a brief overview of the role of finance in development from a gender perspective, laying the conceptual foundations that then permit an examination of microfinance as one of the main strategic tools ...
Urbanization and Inclusive Economic Growth in Africa
Urbanization is a mega-trend with profound implications for Africa’s growth and transformation. Africa’s rapid urban growth presents considerable demands for employment, services and infrastructure, but also advantages for ...
Cadre macroéconomique pour une économie verte inclusive en Afrique
Le concept d'économie verte a pris une importance nouvelle dans la recherche de solutions aux crises économiques et financières mondiales de 2008/2009 (financières, énergétiques et alimentaires), y compris ...
Gender, data and indices
This document introduces participants to the use of data, statistics, indicators and indices in gender-aware economics and economic policy-making, highlighting that standard indices and indicators often fail to reflect ...