Mobilizing domestic resources for sustainable development in Africa post COVID-19
Africa has been relying for decades on external aid to finance its development, yet it is still facing human development challenges. The
encouraging results from these recent years in terms of economic
growth contrast ...
“E-commerce – an economic tool towards post-COVID-19 recovery and digital business sustainability”
E-Commerce is the subject of
increased attention from
government institutions, international development organisations, entrepreneurs and the
public. COVID-19 crisis has
highlighted the importance of
this issue and ...
Keeping Supply Chains in Place: “The Importance of Cooperation Between LLDCs and Their Transit Partners”
African landlocked developing
countries (LLDCs) have unique
challenges in accessing the
global marketplace to participate in the world trade, as transportation costs and access to
maritime ports hinder the competitiveness ...
Africa and COVID-19 from present macroplanning towards promising socioeconomic prospects
This policy brief draws from the
interventions and discussions of
the webinar on “Principles of
macroeconomic planning:
sustainability and health emergencies”, held on May 7, 2020.
The overall objective of this
webinar ...
"La compétitivité des PME et accroissement des exportations dans la Zone de Libre-Echange Continentale Africaine (ZLECAf) face aux effets de la pandémie du COVID-19"
Pendant la crise pandémique à
COVID-19, un intérêt particulier est mis sur la relance des
économies en raison de la vague
de conséquences que celle-ci a
entrainé. Pour les pays africains,
cette situation coïncide avec ...
Determinants of female labour force participation in Botswana
This paper examines the determinants of the female labor force participation in Botswana with a special attention on both formal and informal sectors. Although a progress has been made in terms of share of women in the ...
Volunteer-based solution for the Agenda 2030 for sustainable Development : volunteer contribution in the SDGs process, accomplishments, and the Way Forward
On 17 November 2020, in close collaboration with the UN Volunteers Programme and Social Change Factory, UNIDEP organized a webinar “Transformative Youth Volunteerism to Accelerate SDGs during the Covid19 Period”. Distinguished ...
Youth Employability and the Entrepreneurship : the Role of Digital economy
Projections reveal that by the year 2050, the African population will be 1.3 billion with about 15-20 million constitute youth and A Regional Situation Analysis Report on Africa’s youth and prospects for inclusive development ...