Ad-hoc experts group meeting (AEGM) on world summit on the information society (WSIS+5): outcomes and perspectives for Eastern Africa
The World Information Society Summit (WSIS) is a world forum organized by International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Its objective is to reduce the inequality existing between the inhabitants of the world with regard to ...
Background study on institutions, decentralization and structural transformation in Eastern Africa
This background report on Institutions, Decentralization and Structural Transformation was prepared for discussion during the Twentieth Session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE). The overall objective was ...
Banking on success? leveraging the banking sector better for accelerated structural transformation
One of the major limiting factors for growth and transformation in Eastern Africa has been the lack of finance. Mainstream debates tend to focus on the issue of 'financial inclusion' at the expense of considering why the ...
Accès à l’énergie et sécurité énergétique en Afrique de l’Est: Situation actuelle et moyens de l’améliorer
Le présent rapport donne un aperçu détaillé de l’état d’accès à l’énergie ainsi que de sécurité énergétique dans les pays de la sous-région de l’Afrique de l’Est. Il reconnait l’importance de l’énergie dans la croissance ...
Rapport: croissance et transformation en Afrique de l’Est : accélérateurs et freins
Le CIE est un forum visant à consolider les partenariats et à définir les modalités de coopération entre les parties prenantes afin de soutenir l’intégration régionale et accélérer le rythme de développement dans la ...
Policies to enhance the competitiveness of the tourism sector
The tourism sector is a mainstay of the regional economy in Eastern Africa. Valued at over USD 22.2 billion, and with an average share of GDP of 13.6%, it is estimated that 6.3 million people are employed in the sector. ...
Report: transformative growth in eastern Africa: catalysts and constraints
The 21st meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) was held under the theme “Transformative Growth in Eastern Africa: Catalysts and Constraints”. The ICE is a forum to cement partnerships and define ...
Concept note: transformative growth in Eastern Africa: catalysts and constraints
The Sub-Regional Office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA) of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is holding the Twenty First Session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) in Moroni, Comoros. The ICE is a ...
Infrastructure development and industrialization in Eastern Africa
The focus of the panel discussion on Infrastructure Development and Industrialization in Eastern Africa, at the 21st Intergovernmental Committee of Experts meeting in Comoros, will be on deepening understanding on the ...
Macroeconomic and social developments in Eastern Africa 2016-17
The economic performance of Eastern Africa has been impressive in recent years, with an average annual growth rate of 6.8 per cent between 2012 and 2015 much higher than the African average and outpacing even East Asia. ...