Validation meeting on the study to assess the feasibility of establishing and managing a common agro-industrial park between Zambia and Zimbabwe
Building on a long history of collaboration, the Governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe have launched a joint industrialization program to promote structural and economic transformation in the two countries. The two member ...
Privatization in the minerals industry of Africa: participation of domestic private sector
The adoption by many African countries of liberalization principles and policies placing emphasis on private sector in their economic development had opened up the African mining industry to both domestic and foreign-based ...
Réussir l’import-substitution en Afrique centrale en embrassant la qualité : enjeu crucial pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle.
Cette étude prescrite par l’UNECA pour concrétiser la perspective du marché commun africain et ayant pour principales cibles la CEMAC, la CEEAC et la CAE, a été réalisée sur la base d’une vue globale, s’inscrivant dans ...