Browsing Sub Regional Office for Southern Africa (SRO-SA) by Title
Now showing items 177-196 of 207
SADC-UNECA Technical Meeting on Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Report“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2008-04). SADC-UNECA Technical Meeting on Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Report. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
South-south and triangular cooperation: implications for southern African countries“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office South Africa (SRO-SA) (2011). South-south and triangular cooperation: implications for southern African countries. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Southern Africa development bulletin : Sustainable development“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2001-12). Southern Africa development bulletin : Sustainable development. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Southern Africa Development bulletin Issue No.11: NEPAD a framework for africa's development in the 21 st century“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2002-12). Southern Africa Development bulletin Issue No.11: NEPAD a framework for africa's development in the 21 st century. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Southern Africa development bulletin: NEPAD a framework for Africa's development in the 21st century“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern African development community (2002-12). Southern Africa development bulletin: NEPAD a framework for Africa's development in the 21st century. [Lusaka]. © UN. ECA."
Southern African development bulletin: a special issue on partnership“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2001-06). Southern African development bulletin: a special issue on partnership. Southern African development bulletin. No.09, 34 p.. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Special economic zones as a tool to foster private sector development and inclusive industrialization in Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2023). Special economic zones as a tool to foster private sector development and inclusive industrialization in Southern Africa. ECA Policy Brief. ECA/23/032, 9 p.. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
The state of industrialization in Southern Africa and opportunities for acceleration : issues Paper“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2023). The state of industrialization in Southern Africa and opportunities for acceleration : issues Paper. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
The statistical estimation of poverty duration and transitions in Zambia.“Mungule Oswald; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2005-12). The statistical estimation of poverty duration and transitions in Zambia.. Addis Ababa :. © UNECA,."
The Status of governance in Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC); United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2006). The Status of governance in Southern Africa. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Strategies and policies for the integration of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises into the industrialization process in Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2020-09). Strategies and policies for the integration of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises into the industrialization process in Southern Africa. Addis Ababa. © UN. ECA."
Strategy and road map for the industrialization of the SADC region: options opportunities challenges and prospects“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2020). Strategy and road map for the industrialization of the SADC region: options opportunities challenges and prospects. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Study on Fintech in Eastern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Sub regional office for Eastern Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Sub regional office for Eastern Africa (2024). Study on Fintech in Eastern Africa. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Summary of recommendations of the forum on mainstreaming regional integration and SADC law international development plans“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC) (2009-06). Summary of recommendations of the forum on mainstreaming regional integration and SADC law international development plans. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Sustainable energy : a framework for new and renewable energy in Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC) (2006-03). Sustainable energy : a framework for new and renewable energy in Southern Africa. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Thirtieth meeting of the intergovernmental committee of senior officials and experts of Southern Africa: information note“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Sub regional office for Southern Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Sub regional office for Southern Africa (2024-11). Thirtieth meeting of the intergovernmental committee of senior officials and experts of Southern Africa: information note. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
To participate in the annual meeting of the policy organs of the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) : mission report“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC) (2000-05). To participate in the annual meeting of the policy organs of the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) : mission report. Annual Meetings of the Policy Organs of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa(COMESA).. [Lusaka, Zambia] :. © UN. ECA,."
Tracking and certification of mineral output in Southern Africa: final report“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office Southern Africa (SRO-SA); Southern African Development Community (2014). Tracking and certification of mineral output in Southern Africa: final report. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA ,."
Tracking progress in the implementation of selected SDGs and agenda 2063 in Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office South Africa (SRO-SA); United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office South Africa (SRO-SA) (2023). Tracking progress in the implementation of selected SDGs and agenda 2063 in Southern Africa. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Trade development and transport in Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC) (2008-09). Trade development and transport in Southern Africa. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."