Browsing Sub-Regional Offices by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 776
An ABC of industrialisation in Uganda: achievements, bottlenecks and challenges“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2017). An ABC of industrialisation in Uganda: achievements, bottlenecks and challenges. Addis Ababa. © UN. ECA."
Accelerating Africa's development to meet the MDGs: challenges and the way forward for Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC) (2007-03). Accelerating Africa's development to meet the MDGs: challenges and the way forward for Southern Africa. UN. ECA Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Southern Africa (ICE) Meeting (13th : 2007, Mar. 14-16 : Lusaka, Zambia). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Accelerating implementation of the agreement establishing the African continental free trade area in Southern Africa to achieve the sustainable development goals and the aspirations, goals and targets of Agenda 2063“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Sub Regional Office for Southern Africa (SRO-SA) (2022-11). Accelerating implementation of the agreement establishing the African continental free trade area in Southern Africa to achieve the sustainable development goals and the aspirations, goals and targets of Agenda 2063. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Accelerating industrialization in Southern Africa through beneficiation and value addition“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office South Africa (SRO-SA) (2017-07). Accelerating industrialization in Southern Africa through beneficiation and value addition. Addis Ababa. © UN. ECA."
Accelerating the implementation of the industrial policies of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and the Southern African Development Community through local adaptation“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2022-11). Accelerating the implementation of the industrial policies of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and the Southern African Development Community through local adaptation. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Accès à l’énergie et sécurité énergétique en Afrique de l’Est: Situation actuelle et moyens de l’améliorer“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office East Africa (SRO-EA) (2014). Accès à l’énergie et sécurité énergétique en Afrique de l’Est: Situation actuelle et moyens de l’améliorer. Addis Abeba:. © NU. CEA,."
Achieving free trade area and customs union (CU) : emerging challenges and opportunities for Southern Africa“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC) (2008-03). Achieving free trade area and customs union (CU) : emerging challenges and opportunities for Southern Africa. ECA Intergovernmental Committee of Experts Meeting for Southern Africa (14th : 2008, June 2 -4 : Lusaka, Zambia). [Addis Ababa] :. © UN. ECA,."
Les acquis sociaux de la femme tunisienne“Zghal, Riadh; Nations Unies. Commission Economique pour l'Afrique. Centre de développement Sous-régional pour l'Afrique du Nord (CDSR-AN) (1999-11). Les acquis sociaux de la femme tunisienne. NU. CEA Réunion de groupe d'experts sur en genre et responabilisation économique et sociale des femmes dans le contexte des normes culturelles en Afrique du nord: cadre politieque intitutionnel (1999, nov. 4 - 6 : Tanger, Maroc).. [Tanger(Maroc)]:. © NU. CEA,."
Activités opérationnelles du Centre“Nations Unies. Commission Economique pour l'Afrique; Nations Unies. Commission Economique pour l'Afrique. Centre de Développement Sous-régional pour l'Afrique du Nord (CDSR) (1998-05). Activités opérationnelles du Centre. Réunion du Comité Intergouvernemental d'Experts du CDSR (14ème : 26-30 avril 1998 : Tanger, Maroc). Addis Ababa:. © UN.ECA,."
Activity report of the ECA Sub-Regional Office for West Africa 2015 and work programme 2016:activity report of the office from April 1st, 2015 to march 31st, 2016“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2016-02). Activity report of the ECA Sub-Regional Office for West Africa 2015 and work programme 2016:activity report of the office from April 1st, 2015 to march 31st, 2016. UN. ECA Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for West Africa Meeting (ICE).(19th :2016, Feb.25 - 26 :Dakar, Senegal). Addis Ababa. © UN.ECA."
Activity report of the ECA sub-regional office for west Africa for 2012 and programme of work for 2013“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office West Africa (SRO-WA) (2013-03). Activity report of the ECA sub-regional office for west Africa for 2012 and programme of work for 2013. UN. ECA Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (16th ICE) of West Africa(16th session:2013, March :Abidjan,CÔTE D’IVOIRE). Addis Ababa. © UN. ECA."
Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting :“Harmonization of ICTs Policies and Programmes in Eastern Africa sub region and Prospects”“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office East Africa (SRO-EA) (2009-04). Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting :“Harmonization of ICTs Policies and Programmes in Eastern Africa sub region and Prospects”. UN. ECA Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts(ICE)13th(2009, Apr. 27-29 :Mahe, Seychelles). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Ad hoc expert group meeting on "climate change and the rural economy in southern Africa" : report of the AEGM Johannesburg, South Africa 22-24 August 2012“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office South Africa (SRO-SA) (2012-12). Ad hoc expert group meeting on "climate change and the rural economy in southern Africa" : report of the AEGM Johannesburg, South Africa 22-24 August 2012. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA ,."
An Ad Hoc experts group meeting on assessment of macroeconomic policy and Institutional convergence in member states of southern African development community“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa Office; Southern African Development Community (2007-09). An Ad Hoc experts group meeting on assessment of macroeconomic policy and Institutional convergence in member states of southern African development community. [Johannesburg] :. © UN. ECA,."
Ad hoc experts group meeting on Strengthening the capacity of West African States on green economy for mitigation of climate change:concept note“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office West Africa (SRO-WA) (2013). Ad hoc experts group meeting on Strengthening the capacity of West African States on green economy for mitigation of climate change:concept note. Addis Ababa. © UN. ECA."
Ad Hoc experts meeting on rules of origin : draft report“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for North Africa (2006-06). Ad Hoc experts meeting on rules of origin : draft report. UN. ECA Ad Hoc Experts Meeting on Rules of Origin (2006, June 20-22 : Rabat, Morocco). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Ad hoc experts' group meeting: transport policies and regional integration in North Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for North Africa (2007). Ad hoc experts' group meeting: transport policies and regional integration in North Africa. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Ad Hoc meeting of experts to track progress on macroeconomic policy and institutional convergence in West Africa: concept note“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office West Africa (SRO-WA) (2014-01). Ad Hoc meeting of experts to track progress on macroeconomic policy and institutional convergence in West Africa: concept note. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA ,."
Ad-hoc expert group: addressing the challenges of macroeconomic policy convergence in the Southern African development community region : Port Louis, Mauritius 26-27 September 2011“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office South Africa (SRO-SA) (2011-09). Ad-hoc expert group: addressing the challenges of macroeconomic policy convergence in the Southern African development community region : Port Louis, Mauritius 26-27 September 2011. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA ,."
Ad-hoc experts group meeting (AEGM) on world summit on the information society (WSIS+5): outcomes and perspectives for Eastern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office East Africa (SRO-EA) (2011). Ad-hoc experts group meeting (AEGM) on world summit on the information society (WSIS+5): outcomes and perspectives for Eastern Africa. UN. ECA AD-HOC Experts Group Meeting(2011, Feb. 22-23:Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."