E-strategies : National Information and Communication Infrastructure (NICI) : best practices and lessons learnt
Africa’s economic performance since the mid-1990s has raised hopes of a possible turnaround, compared to the stagnation of the previous two decades. Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) over the last ...
National information and communication infrastriucture (NICI): best practices and lesson learnt
The publication attempts to capture the lessons learnt by the Commission as a result of almost a decade of national and sub-regional ICT policy-making. The decision for ECA support to national e-policies came as a result ...
National information and communication infrastriucture (NICI): best practices and lesson learnt
Africa’s economic performance since the mid-1990s has raised hopes of a possible turnaround, compared to the stagnation of the previous two decades. The impact of new ICTs has permeated virtually all sectors of society. ...