A report on economic co-operation in Africa
This paper presents the report on economic cooperation in Africa. The object of this report is to review briefly existing intergovernmental cooperation arrangements in Africa and ECA-Supported projects and to assess Progress ...
Report of the meeting of donors for the establishment of the African remote sensing programme : Kinshasa, 17 - 18 February 1977
This document presents the report on the specific recommendations about introducing remote sensing technology into Africa and avoiding future duplication while devoting attention to developing African capability and building ...
Resolutions presentant UN interet pour la commission qui ont ete adoptees par le conseil economique et social a sa soixant-et-unieme session
Le présent document étudie les résolutions présentant un intérêt pour la Commission adoptées par le Conseil économique à sa soixante-et-unième session.
Technology transfer centre progress report on the establishment of an African regional centre for the transfer, adaptation and development of technology
The objectives of the Centre include the provision of assistance to African Governments in the formulation of technological policies as an integral part of socio and economic development, and the establishment and strengthening ...