Politiques et stratégies pour accélérer le développement de l'infrastructure de l'information en Afrique: document thématique
Si les infrastructures de communication et d'infonnation se sont considérablement développées en Afrique au cours des cinq dérnières années, le n'en demeure pas moins qu'elles ne sont pas acessibles à la majorité des ...
Telecommunications and economic development in Africa : UNTACDA II
The role of telecommunications and related information technology in today's societies is rapidly becoming crucial, not only in national and regional socio-economic development and trade relations, but also in political ...
Les technologies de l'information et de la communication l'appui de la bonne gouvernance : document thèmatique
Cette étude porte sur les différents problèmes que rencontres par les pays africains dans l'adoption des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) pour promouvoir la bonne gouvernance dans quatre domaines: ...
Increasing internet connectivity in Africa issues, options and world bank group role
Africa needs to seize this opportunity, quickly. If African countries cannot take advantage of the information revolution and surf this great wave of technological change, they may be crushed by it. In that case, they are ...
Report of an expert meeting on international action for appropriate technology
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the need to coordinate world efforts in the development and promotion of appropriate technology. To this end, the Dutch Government convened a meeting of experts to ...
What is the management of technology? : a seminar on the management of technology
The objectives of the seminar are: to create a greater awareness within ECA of the issues that concern managers of technology, to generate a better appreciation of the multi-disciplinary nature of the
management of ...
Draft report of CODI III
The third meeting of the committee on Development Information was held at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, from 12 to 11 May 2003.
The transfer of industrial technology to the Under-developed countries
Technology transfer' has quite suddenly become fashionable. It may be that after a long stagnation in the volume of official capital aid, there are Pressures to find other ways in which the advanced countries can assist ...
Status of geologic mapping in Egypt
Egypt forms the northeastern corner of Africa and occupies one-thirtieth of the total area of that continent. In shape it approximates roughly to a square. It measures 1073 kilometers in greatest length from north to south ...
Leveraging new technologies and digital transformation for inclusive growth and development in Africa: drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
In the context of the United Nations reform process, a number of regional opportunity and issue-based coalitions have been established under the Regional Collaborative Platform. The United Nations development system in ...