Information and communicatioin technology as a tool for modernisation
It is argued that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a vital too! In Africa's modernization plan. Information Technology, Communication Technology, and their convergence into ICT are discussed. The use of ...
L'influencé des politiques économiques et de développement sur la science et la technologie en Afrique
L'objectif principal du Programme d'ajustement structurel (PAS) consistait à restructurer la base productive de l'économie afin de réduire sa dépendance à l'égard du secteur pétrolier et des produits importés. A cette fin, ...
S&T research / Innovation in Ghana
In this document significant researches likely to impact on sustainable development, especially in the agricultural sector, have been profiled. Applications of some of these results have also been documented. Unfortunately, ...
African regional action plan on the knowledge economy : a framework for action
The proposed framework for the African Regional Action Plan on the Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE) is being developed upon request from the Second African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS, held in Accra, Ghana from ...
Parliament of the kingdom of Swaziland ICT master plan
ICT has an impact on the lives of all individuals both at home and in the community and it is essential that Parliament as an institution, Parliamentarians and other stakeholders, are helped to avail of its opportunities ...
Framework for rural electrification with emphasis on new and renewable energy sources, including mini-hydropower stations
Despite decades of effort and investment in rural electrification programmes, Africa, and particularly Sub-Saharan Africa, is still lagging behind other developing regions in terms of access to electricity supply by its ...
Approach to refining technology in developing countries in Africa and Asia
The present document contains information on the Approach to refining technology in developing countries in Africa and Asia, of the Regional Conference on petroleum Industry and Manpower Requirements in the field of ...
The African development forum'99 post ADF summit : information and communication technology poicies and strategies
This paper focuses on the African development forum ’99 post ADF summit. Information and communication technology policies and strategies. This paper is based on the assumption that documenting and sharing African experience ...
African strategy for science and technology development
The gap between the rich and the poor countries is to a large extent attributable to differences in technology. This fact is borne out by the experience of nonwestern countries which have seriously set out to acquire, adapt ...
ICT visioning statement
The current crisis in Palestine has impacted the local economy in a drastic way, many businesses have closed or physically destroyed by the Israeli occupation army, unemployment and poverty have substantially increased. ...