Report of the seventh United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Africa : Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 6-11 September 1989
The seventh United Nations Region a] Cartographic: Conference for Africa was held at Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso from 6 to 11 September 1989 in accordance with ECA Conference of Ministers resolution 602 (XXII) adopted in ...
Rapport d'activités du C.R.T.O.
Ce document présente les activite's menées par le Centre Régional de Télédetection de Ouagadougou (CRTO) depuis la 7ème Conference Cartographique Regionale des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique tenue a Addis-Abeba (Ethiopie) ...
Rapport sur les activités cartographiques en Libye,1966-1972/ document présenté par le gouvernment de la République Arabe Libyenne
La Libye étant pour la première fois représentée à cette Conférence, il convient de relater les activités cartographiques menées dans le pays avant même la période 1966-1972.
Rapport de la sixième conférence cartographique régionale des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique
La sixième Conférence cartographie régionale des Nations Unies pour l’ Afrique s’est tenue à Addis-Abeba (Ethiopie) du 10 au 17 novembre 1986. Elle a été organisée en application de la résolution 1 (v) adopté par la cinquième ...
Report on cartographic activities in Libya 1966 - 1972
The paper deals the importance of maps and topographical data for the different stages of planning and implementing various development projects.
Report on the cartographic activities of the institut geographique of Zaire, 1966 to 1971
This report describes briefly the cartographic work undertaken in Zaire during the period 1966-1971. During this period, the activities of the Institut Geographique of Zaire have progressed satisfactorily. From 1966 to ...
Report on a mission to Sierra Leone (19 August - 2 September 1984)
December 1985 has been put forward by the government as the date for census enumeration, but unfortunately no actual cartographic work, either in the office or in the field, has been started so far. The project is now a ...
Report on a mission to Sierra Leone (26 October -20 November 1983)
On arrival in Freetown the Regional Adviser found that pre-census
activities were at a standstill awaiting UNFPA's written approval of funding
assistance for SIL/83/POI (Population Census), The census enumeration is ...
Mission to Dahomey, Cameroon, and Central African Republic, 14 - 29 October 1973
Following is a report on my mission to Dahomey, Cameroon and the Central African Republic, including participation in a meeting organized. by the UD:J:AC Secretariat in Bangui to consider the work programme of its Regional ...
Mission report to Ghana (26-31 August and 12-24 September 1980)
It may be recalled that the original census project document has fixed the date for the start of the Ghana census project GHA/78/Pol as 2 January 1978 however due to the political changes in the country and the uncertain ...