Provisional summary record of the first plenary meeting
Modern cartography plays a leading role in many sectors of human activity, not only for the maintenance of peace, economic development and social progress, but even in the service of the needs and recreation of daily life. ...
Deuxième conférence cartographique régionale des nations unies pour l'Afrique : 12-24 Septembre 1966 Tunis Tunisie
La Conférence passera en revue les progrès récents de la technique et étudiera la mesure et les conditions dans Les quelles ils sont applicables en Afrique. Le Président temporaire exprime sa reconnaissance aux spécialistes ...
Organisation des services cartographiques nationaux
Le Service topographique tunisien a commencé à s'intéresser aux travaux cartographiques depuis 1960.
Report on cartographic activity in Kenya 1950 -1963
This, report is a brief description of cartographic and related activities in Kenya since 1950. The Survey of Kenya which was founded in 1906 is the department of the Kenya Government responsible for all major cartographic ...
Rapport sur l'activité cartographique du service pédagogique tunisien
La cartographie pédagogique en Tunisie constitue l'essentiel des activités actuelles du Service pédagogique. C'est une activité qui date depuis 1946 seulement et qui est, par conséquent, assez récente.
Needs of the African countries in cartographic documentation
This paper gives a survey of the cartographic documentation possessed by Algeria and presents the ideas on the project of establishing an African cartographic and photogrammetric institute as well as on the regional training ...
New developments in aerospace charting techniques and equipment
New developments in aerospace charting techniques and equipment the process involves, as its name suggests, the three dimensional shaping of terrain forms manually embossing, or pressing, the relief detail into plastic ...
Report of Technical Committee II : survey, computation and map-reproduction
The' Committee II was instructed to study the problems involved
;in establishing one (or several) joint center in. spheres related
to electronic computation, first order geodesy, checking and calibra
tion and maintenance ...
Report on cartographic activities in Tanzania 1963-66
This report describes the progress in cartographic activities made by Tanzania, since the last regional cartographic conference in 1963 and it should be road in conjunction with the previous report (E/CONF.43/4). The ...
Democratic Republic of the Congo report on work achieved from 1963 to 1965 : submitted by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
During the period 1963 - 1965 in spite of unfavorable circumstances, the overall activities of the Institute Geographique du Congo have progressed satisfactorily. These activities are tabulated below, and together with the ...