Globalization and the information economy : challenges and opportunities theme paper
This document focused on globalization and the information economy: challenges and opportunities for Africa.
Reforms in higher education and the use of information technology : Issues in higher education, Economic growth, and information technology
This paper is driven by the proposition that higher education contributes directly to economic productivity which determines the standard of living of a country. It argues that in an increasingly knowledge-based economy, ...
Information and communicatioin technology as a tool for modernisation
It is argued that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a vital too! In Africa's modernization plan. Information Technology, Communication Technology, and their convergence into ICT are discussed. The use of ...
African regional action plan on the knowledge economy : a framework for action
The proposed framework for the African Regional Action Plan on the Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE) is being developed upon request from the Second African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS, held in Accra, Ghana from ...
ICT visioning statement
The current crisis in Palestine has impacted the local economy in a drastic way, many businesses have closed or physically destroyed by the Israeli occupation army, unemployment and poverty have substantially increased. ...
Politiques et stratégies pour accélérer le développement de l'infrastructure de l'information en Afrique: document thématique
Si les infrastructures de communication et d'infonnation se sont considérablement développées en Afrique au cours des cinq dérnières années, le n'en demeure pas moins qu'elles ne sont pas acessibles à la majorité des ...
Les technologies de l'information et de la communication l'appui de la bonne gouvernance : document thèmatique
Cette étude porte sur les différents problèmes que rencontres par les pays africains dans l'adoption des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) pour promouvoir la bonne gouvernance dans quatre domaines: ...
Draft report of CODI III
The third meeting of the committee on Development Information was held at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, from 12 to 11 May 2003.
National plan for telecommunication and information
Information Technology plays a major role in giving impetus to economic and social development through the provision of information to support decision making in cases of economic and social reform. Information Technology ...
Technical guideline for knowledge-sharing : the Community of Practice for poverty reduction strategies and MDGs
This manual provides technical guidelines to understand the composition, networking and roles of the practitioners or Communities of Practices (CoPs) specialized on Poverty Reduction Strategies(PRS) and the Millennium ...