Modern techniques and instruments for surveys and mapping
The document presents which estimates of probable costs or manpower requirements, which may be out of step with local conditions, or recommending procedures that may not be applicable because of lack of trained personnel, ...
Regional centers for training in photogrammetry, and airborne geophysical surveys and for interpreting aerial surveys
The Regional centers for training in photogrammetry, and airborne geophysical surveys and for interpreting aerial surveys required advanced training in photogrammetry; Photo interpretation; and Airborne Geophysical Survey ...
Status of geologic mapping in Egypt
Egypt forms the northeastern corner of Africa and occupies one-thirtieth of the total area of that continent. In shape it approximates roughly to a square. It measures 1073 kilometers in greatest length from north to south ...
A database on cartographic inventory for African atlas
The themes are: Base map, giving general locations, on which the other layers are superimposed, in order to position and relate in the space the distinct elements represented for each theme. Aerial Photographic Coverage; ...
Taxonomie des données géospatiales au service des objectifs de développement durable en Afrique : renforcer la capacité de certains pays africains d’exploiter les ressources et services d’information géospatiale pour appuyer la mise en œuvre et le suivi des objectifs de développement durable
Le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 nécessite de disposer de données ventilées
de qualité, accessibles et fiables pour pouvoir mesurer, suivre les 17 objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et en rendre ...
The role of maps in land registration
It is not possible to prepare a satisfactory register of properties and to guarantee title to those properties unless the properties have been positively identified i.e. unless it is possible to identify the boundaries of ...
Pre-enumeration mapping : Preparatory activities: Planning, administration and training
This paper examines pre-enumeration mapping from the perspectives of planning, administration and training, which are the first steps before production of Enumeration Area (EA) maps begins.
A database on status of mapping coverage and programmes in Africa: a technical inventory
The purpose of this study is twofold: Firstly, to undertake a review of the mapping situation in Africa with the view of assessing its adequacy or otherwise for economic planning and development of land resources. Secondly, ...