Report of the Intergovernmental committee of experts for science and technology development
The third meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology Development was held in Addis Ababa from 26 to 30 November 1984. The head of the Egyptian delegation, which had provided the chairman ...
Report of the eighth meeting of the Executive Committee
The eighth meeting of the Executive Committee was called to order on November 13, by H.E, Mr. Olu Sanu, and the Second Vice-Chairman of the seventh meeting of the Executive Committee in the absence of H.E, Tijani Chelli, ...
Report of first executive dialogue of ministers and leaders in the private sector on science and technology for Africa's development
The First Executive Dialogue of Ministers and Leaders in the Private Sector on Science and Technology for Africa's Development was held in the United Nations Conference Centre Addis Ababa Ethiopia from 18 to 19 June 1998.
Report of the Seventeenth meeting of the Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 30 April-3 May 1996
The theme of the conference, "Meeting the challenges of African Development in the Twenty-first Century. The role of the Economic Commission for Africa", was of great significance to the future of the Continent and to all ...
Africa's strategy for development in the 1970s
The present document contains information on Africa's strategy for development in the 1970s, of the Conference of Ministers Second meeting
Accra from 19-23 February 1973.
Statement by H.E. Mr. Soulaymane Cissé, minister of planning of Guinea and chairperson of the outgoing bureau of the conference : the 5th joint annual meetings of the AU conference of ministers of economy and finance and eca conference of ministers of finance, planning and economic development
Statement by H.E. Mr. Soulaymane Cissé, Minister of Planning of Guinea and Chairperson of the outgoing Bureau of the Conference at the the 5th Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance ...