Report of the meeting of experts on broadcasting
The report focuses on all countries of Africa, sound broadcasting has been used as a basic means of communication for a considerable period of time. In many of them broadcasting activity was going on before independence. ...
A report on economic co-operation in Africa
This paper presents the report on economic cooperation in Africa. The object of this report is to review briefly existing intergovernmental cooperation arrangements in Africa and ECA-Supported projects and to assess Progress ...
Resolution adopted by the conference of Ministers
Concerning the potential of satellite broadcasting systems for education and development.The magnitude of investment required for any satellite system necessitates for most developing countries a multinational or regional ...
Report of the meeting of donors for the establishment of the African remote sensing programme : Kinshasa, 17 - 18 February 1977
This document presents the report on the specific recommendations about introducing remote sensing technology into Africa and avoiding future duplication while devoting attention to developing African capability and building ...
Resolutions and decisions adopted by the united nations conference on science and technology for development
Record of the ECA/UNESCO regional symposium on the utilization of science and technology for development in Africa
This document focused on the Policy making and planning in science and technology; Human resources for scientific and technological development; Creation of infrastructure for development; Natural resources survey, research ...
Resolutions presentant UN interet pour la commission qui ont ete adoptees par le conseil economique et social a sa soixant-et-unieme session
Le présent document étudie les résolutions présentant un intérêt pour la Commission adoptées par le Conseil économique à sa soixante-et-unième session.
Report of the first special session of the council of the African regional centre for technology
The first special session of the Council of the African Regional Centre for Technology was held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 3 to 7 November 1978. The session was presided over by Mr. Wadie Habashi (the Sudan), first ...
Resolution adopted by the conference of Minister: Pan-African telecommunication networks
This documents focused on resolution adopted by the conference of Minister specifically on Pan-African telecommunication networks.