Globalization and the information economy : challenges and opportunities theme paper
This document focused on globalization and the information economy: challenges and opportunities for Africa.
Modern techniques and instruments for surveys and mapping
The document presents which estimates of probable costs or manpower requirements, which may be out of step with local conditions, or recommending procedures that may not be applicable because of lack of trained personnel, ...
Towards a knowledge based economy : the relevance of curricula in Africa?
The emphasis of education policies in Africa on primary and secondary and tertiary education has recently been critized, the main reason being that although enrollment rates have increased, economic growth rates have hardly ...
Contribution de l'investissement etranger direct a la science et la technique en afrique
II existe des liens étroits entre l'investissement, la technologie et la concurrence. Au cours des dernières années, ces liens ont suscite un grand intérêt et fait l'objet d'une abondante littérature.
Très souvent, la ...
Benchmarking the plan of action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Africa
This document is the third version of an ongoing exercise to benchmark the Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The first version was delivered to the delegates of PrepCom I of WSIS in ...
Regional centers for training in photogrammetry, and airborne geophysical surveys and for interpreting aerial surveys
The Regional centers for training in photogrammetry, and airborne geophysical surveys and for interpreting aerial surveys required advanced training in photogrammetry; Photo interpretation; and Airborne Geophysical Survey ...
Base de données de la sous région Afrique centrale: prototype du logiciel de pilotage; modèle conceptuel de données
La Sous-Région Afrique Centrale a élaboré un prototype soit modèle conceptuel de données pour l'élaboration d'un logiciel de pilotage. Ce dossier technique a adapté une méthode spécifié et est illustre le modèle sous ...
Reforms in higher education and the use of information technology : Issues in higher education, Economic growth, and information technology
This paper is driven by the proposition that higher education contributes directly to economic productivity which determines the standard of living of a country. It argues that in an increasingly knowledge-based economy, ...
The transfer of technology to developing countries: a survey of main issues and policies
The economic and social development of the poor countries is now no longer conditional upon the generation of new scientific knowledge, as was the case until the middle of the last century. The world storehouse of technological ...
Feeder links from Chad to the Trans-African Highway
At the meeting on feeder links to the Trans - African Highway held in Addis Ababa from 12 to 13 September 1972, the representative of Chad expressed the hope of his Government that once the Highway reached Damara (Central ...