Cartography and remote sensing bulletin
This fourth issue of the Cartography and Remote Sensing Bulletin for Africa follows the format of the
Previous one, with two distinct sections. Section one comprises a series of technical articles focusing on the essential ...
Cartography and remote sensing bulletin : isuue no. 3
This document focuses on technical and policy papers, benefiting from papers and studies presented at two main events organized by the Commission during the biennium. The first chapter includes a summary of the outcome of ...
Cartography and remote sensing bulletin
The paper deals about pre-occupation of the Economic Commission for Africa since its establishment in 1958, has been and remains to find ways and means to meet the challenges of underdevelopment in Africa. Many strategies ...
Cartography and remote sensing bulletin : isuue no. 5
The objectives of the Cartographic and Remote Sensing Bulletin are to serve as a platform for the exchange of information, ideas, experiences and events in all disciplines of surveying, mapping and remote sensing, it is ...
Cartography and remote sensing bulletin : isuue no. 6
This paper focuses on Cartography and remote sensing bulletin: issue no. 6. The objectives of the bulletin are to serve as a platform for the exchange of information, ideas, experiences and events in all disciplines of ...