Rapport du comité intergouvernemental d'experts pour le développement de la science et de la technologie
Le Comité intergouvernemental d’experts pour le développement de la science et de la technologie s'est réuni à Addis-abeba a du 10 au 16 mars 1980. La réunion a été ouverte par M. Adebayo Adedeji Secrétaire, exécutif de ...
The scientific and technological perspective for the recovery and sustainable development of Africa, with particular emphasis on environmental aspects
The objectives of the Conference includes:
(a) The critical assessment of the real chances for economic recovery and medium-term development;
(b) The analysis of the r required changes in the political, social, institutional, ...
Report on Regional Expert Consultation on the impact of technology on rural development Africa, ECA : Addis Ababa, 4 to 8 August 1986
The basic cause of needless poverty and hunger in the rural Africa to-day is the stagnation of its main economic base - agriculture. It has settled down to a low level of equilibrium of income, saving and investment over ...
Report on a mission to Sierra Leaone
On arrival in Freetown the Regional Adviser found that pre-census activities were at a standstill awaiting UNFPA written approval of funding assistance for SIL/83/PQI (Population Census), The Resident Representative cabled ...
Report of the Intergovernmental committee of experts for science and technology development
The third meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for Science and Technology Development was held in Addis Ababa from 26 to 30 November 1984. The head of the Egyptian delegation, which had provided the chairman ...
Report of the second seminar on planning of rural telecommunication networks for English-speaking countries
The second seminar on "Planning of Rural Telecommunication Networks for English-speaking countries" was held in the Harare Holiday Inn (Zimbabwe) from 5 to Ik October 1987. This seminar has been jointly organized by the ...
International Conference on the Human Dimension of Africa's Economic Recovery and Development : Strengthening the Scientific and Technological Capabilities in African Countries for Industrial Development
The paper deals the International Conference on the Human Dimension of Africa's Economic Recovery and Development and Strengthening the Scientific and Technological Capabilities in African Countries for Industrial Development.
Report of the seventh United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Africa : Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 6-11 September 1989
The seventh United Nations Region a] Cartographic: Conference for Africa was held at Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso from 6 to 11 September 1989 in accordance with ECA Conference of Ministers resolution 602 (XXII) adopted in ...
Mapping situation in Africa
This document focuses on Mapping situation in Africa. the scope of this paper has been unavoidably confined to the status of medium scale mapping in Africa due to lack of relevant data, it is hoped that it will engender ...