Report of an advisory mission on computer needs assessment for the African Institute for economic development and planning : Dakar, 15-19 May 1995
The Director of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), requested a mission from the Multidisciplinary Regional Advisory Group (MRAG) to advise IDEP on its imminent computerization, with special ...
Report on an advisory mission on information networking at the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development, Djibouti, 31 January - 7 February, 1995)
The mission report is dealing with data base development activities and needs assessment in terms of Local Area Network development at IGADD and wide area network by electronic mail for Djibouti, IGADD and its member States. ...
Rapport de mission sur la planification des activités de la CEA en matière de systèmes d'information pour le développement : Bamako, Mali 27 - 30 mai 1996
L'objectif de la mission était de discuter avec les autorité maliennes
des modalité pratiques de mise en place d'un réseau national éléctronique d'échange d'informations et de courrier électronique et de la définition des ...
Rapport de mission sur le séminaire de formation au traitement de l'information avec référence spéciale au logiciel micro CDS/ISIS
La mission fait suite à une demande de formation du Directeur du Centre national de documentation scientifique et technique du Sénégal (CNDST) en faveur des points focaux du Réseau national d'information scientifique et ...
Report on info Africa nova conference 1995 information services to sustain reconstruction, development and prosperity in South Africa : South Africa 8-9 May 1995
The INFO AFRICA NOVA Conference on "Information Services to sustain reconstruction, development and prosperity in Southern Africa which" was held from 8-12 May 1995 in South Africa was attended by over 100 documentation, ...
Report on a mission for the preparation of the CD ROM for African development (CDAD)
Preparation and manufacturing of a CD ROM made up of information from Africa and on Africa is one of the priority areas of ECA's focus on Harnessing Information Technology for Development. For the development of the first ...
Report of a mission to the G7/developing countries' conference on the information society and development
The ISAD Conference focused on the ways in which developing countries could use Information and Communication Technologies to boost development, to stimulate and support environmentally sustainable growth, and to ensure ...
Advisory service mission on needs assessment for information systems development in Eritrea
Following the nomination in June 1994 by the Government of Eritrea of an ECA Development information focal point in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, a mission composed of the EGA Regional Adviser in ...