A New global compact with Africa by K.Y. Amoako executive secretary of ECA at the 8th session of the ECA conference of ministers of finance
A new global deal for LDC's A New global compact with Africa by K. Y. Amoako Executive Secretary of ECA at the Eight Session of the ECA Conference of Ministers of Finance. Mr. Amoako on his remarks highlighted that, The ...
Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa: by K.Y. Amoako executive secretary, economic commission for Africa
Statement delivered by K.Y. Amoako Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa at the 5th Annual Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecture. Mr. Amoako, on his remarks he highlighted that, sustainable development is easy ...
Challenges to Governance and Participatory Development in Africa: Address to the international conference on governance for sustainable growth and equity by Mr. K. Y. Amoako executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa
Address to the International Conference on Governance for Sustainable Growth and Equity by Mr. K. Y. Amoako Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa. Mr. Amoako, on his remarks highlighted that, there is ...
Regional African Ministerial Conference on Habitat (Istanbul+5) Implementing the Habitat Agenda: Statement by K. Y. Amoako, executive secretary of ECA
This document is a Statement by K. Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary of ECA at the Regional African Ministerial Conference on Habitat (Istanbul+5) Implementing the Habitat Agenda held on 6 November 2000 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Keynote address by K.Y.Amoako, UN under-secretary-general, executive secretary: "a coalition for Good: the UN system-wide special initiative on Africa"
Keynote address by K.Y.Amoako, UN Under-Secretary-General, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa at the "A Coalition for Good: The UN System-wide Special Initiative on Africa". Mr. Janneh, on his remarks ...
Twenty-second session of the assembly of heads of state and government of the economic community of west African states (ECOWAS): Address by K. Y. Amoako Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Address by K. Y. Amoako Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) at the twenty-second session of the assembly of heads of state and government of the economic community of West Africa states (ECOWAS). Mr. ...
Meeting the challenge of sustainable development in Africa: Statement by K. Y. Amoako, executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa
Statement by K. Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to the 76th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Mr. Amoako, on his remarks ...
Thirty-fourth session of the Commission/ Twenty-fifth meeting of the Conference of Ministers/Ninth Meeting of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance: Opening statement by K. Y. Amoako executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa
Opening Statement by K. Y. Amoako Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the Thirty-fourth session of the Commission/ Twenty-fifth meeting of the Conference of Ministers/Ninth Meeting of the Conference ...
Opening statement to the second meeting of the ministerial follow-up committee of the conference of ministers responsible for economic and social development and planning
The second meeting of the Ministerial Follow-up Committee of the Conference of African Ministers responsible for Economic and Social Development and Planning; and welcome to the beautiful city of Abuja, capital of the ...
Statement by Dr. K.Y. Amoako United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the ECA: South African development community conference
Statement BY Dr. K. Y. Amoako United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the south African Development Community Conference (SADC). Dr. Amoako, on his remarks highlighted that ECA's own research ...