Ministerial Session for the Pan African Implementation and Partnership Conference on Water: Statement of Mr. K.Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary of the ECA, at the Opening Ceremony of the Ministerial Session
This statement of Mr. K.Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary of the ECA, at the Opening Ceremony of the Ministerial Session Delivered by Mr. Josue Dione, Director of the Sustainable Development Division (SDD/ECA). Mr. Amoako, ...
Economic Reform Issues in Africa Lessons for Ethiopia: Keynote address at the Inter Africa group symposium to review Ethiopia's socio-economic performance 1991-1999 by Dr. K. Y. Amoako UN under secretary general and executive secretary of ECA
Keynote Address by Dr. K. Y. Amoako at the Inter-Africa Group Symposium to Review Ethiopia’s Socio-economic Performance 1991-1999. Dr. Amoako, Africa’s experience further shows that economic and social transformation cannot ...
Opening statement by Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, Commissioner for Economic Affairs African Union Commission
This opening statement delivered by Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, Commissioner For Economic Affairs African Union Commission at the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Dr. ...
The 14th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union: statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA 29 January 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This Statement delivered by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the 14th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union. Mr. Janneh, on his remarks highlighted ...
ECA/ADB Symposium on Gender Issues: Statement by K.Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa
This Statement delivered by K.Y. Amoako Executive Secretary, ECA at the ECA/ADB Symposium on Gender Issues. Mr. Amoako, on his remarks highlighted that, The empirical evidence on the positive economic returns that result ...
APRM Peer Learning Workshop: Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Opening statement by Abdoulie Janneh UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa Addis Ababa, February 20, 2007
Opening statement By Abdoulie Janneh UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa at the APRM Peer Learning Workshop: Lessons Learned and Best Practices. Mr. Janneh, on his remarks ...
Second Korea-Africa forum: statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA 24 November 2009, Seoul, Republic of Korea
This Statement presented by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the Second Korea-Africa Forum. Mr. Janneh, on his remarks outlined that, This meeting comes at a crucial moment ...
The new partnership for Africa's development (NEPAD) post the Durban AU summit: Presented by Prof Wiseman L Nkuhlu Chairman: NEPAD Steering Committee
Statement Presented by Prof Wiseman L Nkuhlu Chairman: NEPAD Steering Committee at the ECA Conference of Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Johannesburg, South Africa. Prof. Wiseman, highlighted on his ...
Keynote speech by H.E. ato Dawit Yohannes speaker of the house of people's representative on the pan-African implementation & partinership conference on water
Keynote speech by H. E. Ato Dawit Yohannes speaker of the house of people’s representative on the Pan African Implementation and Partnership Conference on Water. H. E. Ato Dawit, on his remarks highlighted that, interests ...
Statement by H. E. Mr. Shiferaw Jarso minister of water resources Ethiopia: Pan-African implementation and partnership conference on water
Statement by H. E. Mr. Shiferaw Jarso Minister of Water Resources Ethiopia at the Pan-African Implementation and Partnership Conference on Water. H. E. Mr. Sheferaw, on his remarks highlighted that, the importance of water ...