L'Afrique négocie une nouvelle phase de l'industrialisation verte
Ce communiqué de presse parle de la négociation d’une nouvelle phase de l’industrialisation verte africaine. Lors d’un Pavillon Afrique. Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) a noté lors ...
First phase of ACPC workshop series on meteorological data to cover five African countries
The initial phase of ACPC workshop series on meteorological data opened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this morning and will soon extend four other African countries, ECA’s Director for the Division of Food Security and Sustainable ...
NEPAD agency says $2 billion committed to great green wall
The focal point of the TerraAfrica programme at the NEPAD Agency, Mr. Ousmane Djibo, said yesterday in Rio that about $2 billion had been set aside to support the Great Green Wall project in the Sahel and West Africa, ...
La réunion d'Antananarivo recommande l'élaboration d'un manuel de politique sur l'économie bleue
La 19ème réunion du Comité intergouvernemental d’experts (CIE) s’est clôturée après quatre journées d’approche de la thématique de l’économie bleue, concept nouveau pour un certain nombre de pays membres. Ces quatre jours ...
ECA encourages African member states to celebrate world day for water(WDW) on 22 Mar 1996
The International Conference on water and the Environment held in Dublin in 1992 gave a signal and alerted the world of a future "water Shock, like the "Oil, Shock" that changed the course of the world events in the ...
African journalists hone skills to get it right on climate change reporting
The challenges posed by impacts of climate change to ordinary livelihoods in Africa are too acute to deserve the patchy coverage the African media give the phenomenon, some 40 African journalists concluded at the end of ...
More than 70 think tanks in Marrakech to discuss sustainable future for Africa
More than 70 think tanks and institutions from over 40 countries will be taking part in the Africa Think Tank Conference, scheduled on 2-4 May 2016 in Marrakesh, under the theme “Building a Sustainable and Secure Future ...
West African Experts Recommend Cross-border Cooperation in the Energy Sector
Experts recommended that West African States strengthen cross-border cooperation in the energy sector to ensure that renewable energy contributes to wealth creation, economic growth, and poverty reduction during an ad hoc ...
African negotiators say progress is finally being made on Rio+ 20 outcome statement
Less than a day to the arrival of world leaders who are expected to consider and endorse the Rio+20 outcome document, the African Group of Negotiators here says it is finally making crucial progress on some testy areas of ...
Mutual review of development effectiveness report launched with optimism in Africa's future developments: 2013 edition
The 2013 Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness in Africa (MRDE) report was launched at the African Union Commission in the margins of the 14 th Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa (RCM-Africa) ...