Statement delivered by Josue Dione Director Food Security and Sustainable Development Division United Nations Economic Commission for Africa: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 27 October 2009
Statement delivered by Josue Dione Director Food Security and Sustainable Development Division United Nations Economic Commission for Africa At the Sixth Session of Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development ...
A New global compact with Africa by K.Y. Amoako executive secretary of ECA at the 8th session of the ECA conference of ministers of finance
A new global deal for LDC's A New global compact with Africa by K. Y. Amoako Executive Secretary of ECA at the Eight Session of the ECA Conference of Ministers of Finance. Mr. Amoako on his remarks highlighted that, The ...
The secretary General address to the African Union summit
This statement addressed by the secretary-General to the African Union Summit. The Secretary-General on his remarks highlighted that, the vision of the Union, the principles that should guide it, and the strategies it ...
Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa: by K.Y. Amoako executive secretary, economic commission for Africa
Statement delivered by K.Y. Amoako Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa at the 5th Annual Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecture. Mr. Amoako, on his remarks he highlighted that, sustainable development is easy ...
Rural water supply and saniation initiation: the second water forum
The African Development bank’s Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI) is a response towards the attainment of the goals of the Africa water vision declared at the second world water forum in the Hague in ...
The Second Meeting of the ECA Committee on Human Development and Civil Society: Statement by outgoing chairperson Ms Saarah Kuugongelwa director general of national planning commission secretariat
Statement by Outgoing Chairperson Ms Saarah Kuugongelwa Director General of National Planning Commission Secretariat Windhoek, Namibia at the Second Meeting of the ECA Committee on Human Development and Civil Society. Ms. ...
Statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh to the 15th Ordinary Session of the African Union Executive Council: 28 June 2009, Sirte, Libya
Statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the 15th Ordinary Session of the African Union Executive Council. Mr. Janneh, on his statement outlined that, access to development ...
Regional African Ministerial Conference on Habitat (Istanbul+5) Implementing the Habitat Agenda: Statement by K. Y. Amoako, executive secretary of ECA
This document is a Statement by K. Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary of ECA at the Regional African Ministerial Conference on Habitat (Istanbul+5) Implementing the Habitat Agenda held on 6 November 2000 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
pan African implementation and partnership conference on water: Opening remarks Dr. Mahmoud Abu-Zeid minister of water resources and irrigation, EGYPT
This opening remarks delivered by Dr. Mahmoud Abu-Zeid Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt at the Pan-African Implementation and Partnership Conference on Water. Dr. Abu-Zeid, on his remarks highlighted that; ...
5th Annual Conference of UN Water Africa: opening statement by Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 18 July 2007
This Opening Statement by Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA on 5th Annual Conference of UN Water Africa. Executive Secretary of ECA on his statement said that, as you discuss ways ...