NEPAD agency says $2 billion committed to great green wall
The focal point of the TerraAfrica programme at the NEPAD Agency, Mr. Ousmane Djibo, said yesterday in Rio that about $2 billion had been set aside to support the Great Green Wall project in the Sahel and West Africa, ...
African journalists hone skills to get it right on climate change reporting
The challenges posed by impacts of climate change to ordinary livelihoods in Africa are too acute to deserve the patchy coverage the African media give the phenomenon, some 40 African journalists concluded at the end of ...
African negotiators say progress is finally being made on Rio+ 20 outcome statement
Less than a day to the arrival of world leaders who are expected to consider and endorse the Rio+20 outcome document, the African Group of Negotiators here says it is finally making crucial progress on some testy areas of ...
Mutual review of development effectiveness report launched with optimism in Africa's future developments: 2013 edition
The 2013 Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness in Africa (MRDE) report was launched at the African Union Commission in the margins of the 14 th Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa (RCM-Africa) ...
Nigeria to host joint ministerial conference on industrialization for inclusive and transformative development in Africa
The Seventh Joint AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development will be held on 27 March to 1 April 2014, Abuja, Nigeria on the ...
Uruguay round revisited, African economic integration reviewed
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) weighs in with much the same evidence. "In certain product categories, e.g. cocoa and coffee the erosion of preferences could be as high as 100%; minerals and ...
Partners commend ECA's technical support on sustainable development in Africa
African participants at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) have commended UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) for improved understanding that the region now has on sustainable development ...
After the MDGs, renewed commitment and financing required to spur Africa's development
Leadership, innovation and targeted investments in a number of social sectors have led to transformative interventions and in many cases revolutionized people’s lives, says an annual report produced jointly by the Economic ...
Southern Africa comes up with roadmap on developmental state
A regional conference on Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa ended Wednesday last week in Pretoria, South Africa, with far reaching recommendations to provide policy ...
African statistics day, 18 November; and African development information day, 19 November
In this press release the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) invites all its member states to celebrate: African Statistics Day, in 18 November; and African Development Information Day, 19 November. These ...