La CEA et le développement de l'afrique 1983- 2008 : étude prospective prospective preliminaire
En commémorant ses 25 ans au service du continent, la Commission économique pour l'Afrique est convaincue qu'il ne suffit pas d'indiquer les succès et les échecs enregistrent par le passé. L’histoire de l'humanité doit ...
Rectas: blazing the trail in capacity building for geoinformation production and management for sustainable management of land ,environment and natural resources in Africa
The need for a Regional Cartographic Centre was first mooted at the 1st United Nations (UN) Cartographic Conference held in 1963 in Nairobi, Kenya. Consequently, the 8th Session of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ...
Les ressources minerales marines et les ressources minerales terrestres en Afrique
La présente étude comporte un examen des principales dispositions de la convention relatives aux ressources minérales et dont l'objet est de promouvoir la coopération internationales et d'institaurer un ordre international ...
Transnational corporations in the copper industry of Zambia : A technical paper
The purpose of this study is to examine the activities of transnational Corporations in the copper industry of Zambia with a view to determining (a) the factors that regulate costs and benefits in the copper industry; (b) ...
Progress report on implementation of the first session of the Technical Committee on Natural Resources and Science and Technology
This report aims at briefly providing information on the level of implementation of the decisions of the 1st meeting of the Committee on Natural Resources and, Science and Technology (CNRST-1). The report covers the period ...
Co-operation between ECA and UNEP : note bt the secretariat
The role of the regional economic commissions in the field of the human environment was spelt out in detail in the recommendations made at the. United. Nations. Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm in ...
Sudan: eonomic and soical survey 1996/97
According to official estimates, Sudan's economy recorded a slight improvement in 1997 as compared to 1996 reaching a growth rate of nearly 5 percent. However, other estimates tend to show that the overall performance might ...
African development problems and perspectives
The paper focuses on African development problems and perspectives.The Committee for Development Planning will focus its attention on the elaboration of regional and subregional aspects of the internationaldevelopment ...
Final report : workshop on sustainable development indicator framework for Africa
The main objective of me workshop was to discuss the Sustainable Development Indicator Framework for Africa, taking into account the need for a well framed and robust analysis of progress towards sustainable development ...
The scientific and technological perspective for the recovery and sustainable development of Africa, with particular emphasis on environmental aspects
The objectives of the Conference includes:
(a) The critical assessment of the real chances for economic recovery and medium-term development;
(b) The analysis of the r required changes in the political, social, institutional, ...