La CEA et le développement de l'afrique 1983- 2008 : étude prospective prospective preliminaire
En commémorant ses 25 ans au service du continent, la Commission économique pour l'Afrique est convaincue qu'il ne suffit pas d'indiquer les succès et les échecs enregistrent par le passé. L’histoire de l'humanité doit ...
Les ressources minerales marines et les ressources minerales terrestres en Afrique
La présente étude comporte un examen des principales dispositions de la convention relatives aux ressources minérales et dont l'objet est de promouvoir la coopération internationales et d'institaurer un ordre international ...
Transnational corporations in the copper industry of Zambia : A technical paper
The purpose of this study is to examine the activities of transnational Corporations in the copper industry of Zambia with a view to determining (a) the factors that regulate costs and benefits in the copper industry; (b) ...
African development problems and perspectives
The paper focuses on African development problems and perspectives.The Committee for Development Planning will focus its attention on the elaboration of regional and subregional aspects of the internationaldevelopment ...
The scientific and technological perspective for the recovery and sustainable development of Africa, with particular emphasis on environmental aspects
The objectives of the Conference includes:
(a) The critical assessment of the real chances for economic recovery and medium-term development;
(b) The analysis of the r required changes in the political, social, institutional, ...
Report: ECA/WMO harmonization meeting on activities related to the establishment and operation of the African centre of meteorological applications for development (ACMAD)
This paper discuses in detail made at the harmonization meeting on activities related to the establishment and operation of the african centre of meteorological applications for development.
Seventh pledging Conference for the United Nations Trust Fund for African Development (UNTFAD) : progress report on the utilization of UNTFAD resources in 1988 and 1989
During the period 1933-198S UNTFAD resources utilized to finance project activities amounted to $US 1,900,270 from the balance of prior year contributions, from the payments effected in 1987 and 1983 and from part of the ...
Proposed programme of work and priorities for the Biennium 1990-1991
The work programmme for the biennium 1990-1991 contained in this document represents the fourth biennial programme to be prepared within the framework of the United Nations Medium-term Plan for the period 1984-1991. The ...
Transnational corporations in the bauxite industry in Guinea
The study is based for the most part on information obtained from primary sources, including official documents relating to the copper mining industry in Zambia and available historical books on the country, which contain ...
Report of the inagural meeting of the board of governors of the African centre of meteorological applications for development (ACMAD)
The inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors of the African Centre
of meteorological applications for Development(ACMAD) was held in Niamey.Republic of Niger from 12 to 14 April 1988. The purpose of the meeting was to ...