Browsing Natural Resources Management by Title
Now showing items 1233-1252 of 3378
Harmonization of Mining policies, standards, legislative and regulatory frameworks in southern Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2004-12). Harmonization of Mining policies, standards, legislative and regulatory frameworks in southern Africa. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Harmonization of national mining policies in the SADC region: report“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Southern Africa SubRegional Development Centre (ECA/SA-SRDC); United Nations. Economic and Social Council; Southern African Development Community(SADC) (2009-08). Harmonization of national mining policies in the SADC region: report. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Harnessing fishery resources: swimming the tide to Africa's development: issues paper 3“African Union Commission; African Development Bank; African Union Commission; African Development Bank; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2012-10). Harnessing fishery resources: swimming the tide to Africa's development: issues paper 3. Issue paper(African Development Forum):. Issue paper(African Development Forum); no. 3, 11 p.. UN. ECA African Development Forum (8th : 2012, Oct. 23-25 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Harnessing innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources for transformation: strategic approaches, results, challenges and opportunities“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2014-05). Harnessing innovations, technologies and management of Africa’s natural resources for transformation: strategic approaches, results, challenges and opportunities. UN. ECA Committee on Sustainable Development and the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development(9th session :2015, June. 16 :Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa. © UNECA."
Harnessing natural resources for sustainable development in Southern Africa: opportunities and challenges in the tourism sector“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office for Southern Africa (2012-03). Harnessing natural resources for sustainable development in Southern Africa: opportunities and challenges in the tourism sector. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Harnessing of hydroelectric energy and interconnection of electricity networks of ECOWAS countries“Sall, Khalilou; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations Development Programme; Economic Community of West African States (1992-12). Harnessing of hydroelectric energy and interconnection of electricity networks of ECOWAS countries. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Harnessing renewable energy for industrialization and economic diversification in Central Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office Central Africa (SRO-CA) (2020-11). Harnessing renewable energy for industrialization and economic diversification in Central Africa. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa: by K.Y. Amoako executive secretary, economic commission for Africa“Amoako, K.Y.; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2003-04). Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa: by K.Y. Amoako executive secretary, economic commission for Africa. UN. ECA Annual Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecture (5th : 2003, Apr. 10 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Harnessing the African peer review mechanism (APRM) potential to advance mineral resource governance in Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Subregional Office East Africa (SRO-EA) (2012). Harnessing the African peer review mechanism (APRM) potential to advance mineral resource governance in Africa. UN. ECA Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) Meeting (16th: 2012, Feb. 13-17: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania).. Kigali:. © UN. ECA,."
Heads of ECA, AUC and AFDB reaffirm commitment to Africa's socio-economic transformation“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2013-01). Heads of ECA, AUC and AFDB reaffirm commitment to Africa's socio-economic transformation. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Health services as a factor in regional integrated rural development“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (1969-10). Health services as a factor in regional integrated rural development. UN. ECA African Regional Conference on the Integrated Approach to Rural Development (1969: Oct. 13-24. : Moshi, Tanzania). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
High level committee on the post 2015 development agenda concludes in Ndjamena“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2014-03). High level committee on the post 2015 development agenda concludes in Ndjamena. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
High level forum concludes on a partnership to end poverty“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2013-06). High level forum concludes on a partnership to end poverty. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
High level ILO conference opens on jobs, growth and social progress“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2013-06). High level ILO conference opens on jobs, growth and social progress. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
High level policy dialogue kicks off in Abuja with ECA recommitting to strengthening support for Africa“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2017-06). High level policy dialogue kicks off in Abuja with ECA recommitting to strengthening support for Africa. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
High level stakholders meeting on sustainable development“Adebusoye, Paulina Makinwa-; United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2000-01). High level stakholders meeting on sustainable development. UN. ECA Joint ECA/UNEP/ Ad Hoc High level Stakeholders Meeting on Sustainable Development. 2000, Jan. 17- 19 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
High-level Workshop on "Public-Private Partnerships" implementation in the Energy Sector in Africa: challenges, best practices and new trends“Hamdok, Abdalla; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2011-06). High-level Workshop on "Public-Private Partnerships" implementation in the Energy Sector in Africa: challenges, best practices and new trends. UN. ECA High Level Workshop on Public-Private Partnerships' Implementation in the Energy Sector in Africa (2011, Jun. 30 - 1 Jul. 1: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Highlights of the Ninth session of UNEP governing council meeting at Nairobi, 13-25 May, 1981“Cole, Ayodele N.H.; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Environment Co-ordination Office. (1981-06). Highlights of the Ninth session of UNEP governing council meeting at Nairobi, 13-25 May, 1981. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Highways and foundations in black cotton soils“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations. Economic and Social Council (1973-04). Highways and foundations in black cotton soils. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Holistic and integrated approaches to the implementation of the SDGs and Agenda 2063“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2017-04). Holistic and integrated approaches to the implementation of the SDGs and Agenda 2063. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."