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10 question and answers with the executive secretary (No.3)“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2019-04). 10 question and answers with the executive secretary (No.3). Addis Ababa. © UN. ECA."
10ème anniversaire de la CIPD : rapport régional de revue de l'Afrique“Nations Unies. Conseil Economique et Social; Nations Unies. Conseil Economique pour l'Afrique (2004-06). 10ème anniversaire de la CIPD : rapport régional de revue de l'Afrique. NU. CEA Conférence ministérielle régionale d'examen de la mise en oeuvre de la déclaration de Dakar/Ngor et du programme d'action de la conférence internationale sur la population et le développement-CIPD+10 (2004, juin 7-11 : Dakar, Sénégal). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
11th session of RCM-Africa kicks off amidst calls to re-energize implementation of Agenda 21 and political commitment for sustainable development“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2010-11). 11th session of RCM-Africa kicks off amidst calls to re-energize implementation of Agenda 21 and political commitment for sustainable development. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
The 14th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union: statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA 29 January 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia“Janneh, Abdoulie; African Union Commission; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; African Union Commission (2009-01). The 14th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union: statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA 29 January 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. AU Executive Council Ordinary Session (14th session : 2009, Jan. 26-30 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
17th Meeting of the Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole (TEPCOW): Opening address by K.Y. Amoako, executive secretary, ECA“Amoako, K.Y.; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (1996-04). 17th Meeting of the Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole (TEPCOW): Opening address by K.Y. Amoako, executive secretary, ECA. UN. ECA Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole Meeting (17th : 1996, Apr. 30 - May 03 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
17th RCM meeting seek coordination to achieve both Agenda 2063 and SDG objectives“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2016). 17th RCM meeting seek coordination to achieve both Agenda 2063 and SDG objectives. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
2013 economic outlook report says sustainable development rests on diversification and investments in human capital“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2013-05). 2013 economic outlook report says sustainable development rests on diversification and investments in human capital. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
2014 development cooperation forum Ethiopia high-level symposium "a renewed global partnership for a post-2015 era" Statement By Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA“Lopes, Carlos; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2013-06). 2014 development cooperation forum Ethiopia high-level symposium "a renewed global partnership for a post-2015 era" Statement By Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA. UN. ECA 2014 Development Cooperation Forum Ethiopia High-Level Symposium (2013, Jun. 5-7: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
2015, année décisive pour les programmes de développement durable de l'Afrique“Nations Unies. Commission économique pour l'Afrique (2015-06). 2015, année décisive pour les programmes de développement durable de l'Afrique. Addis Abeba:. © NU. CEA,."
20ème session du Comité Intergouvernemental d'Experts (CIE) - Afrique de l'Ouest“Nations Unies. Commission économique pour l'Afrique (2017-04). 20ème session du Comité Intergouvernemental d'Experts (CIE) - Afrique de l'Ouest. Addis Abeba:. © NU. CEA,."
24th ordinary session of the African Union executive council: statement by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA“Lopes, Carlos; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2014-01). 24th ordinary session of the African Union executive council: statement by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA. UN. ECA Ordinary Session of the African Union Executive Council (24th Session: 2014, June 23: Malabo, Equatorial Guinea). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
5th Annual Conference of UN Water Africa: opening statement by Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 18 July 2007“Janneh, Abdoulie; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2007-07). 5th Annual Conference of UN Water Africa: opening statement by Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 18 July 2007. UN. ECA Annual Conference of UN Water Africa (5th: 2007, Jul. 18 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
5th Climate Change and Development Conference in Africa (CCDAV), Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 28-30 October, 2015“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2015-10). 5th Climate Change and Development Conference in Africa (CCDAV), Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 28-30 October, 2015. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
6th Session of the General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals : Statement by Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA“Lopes, Carlos; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; Nations Unies. Commission économique pour l'Afrique (2013-12). 6th Session of the General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals : Statement by Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA. UN. ECA Session of the General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (6th: 2013, Dec. 13: New York, United States of America). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
71st ordinary session of the council of ministers of the organization of African unity: Address by K. Y. Amoako UN under secretary general and executive secretary economic commission for Africa“Amoako, K.Y.; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2000-03). 71st ordinary session of the council of ministers of the organization of African unity: Address by K. Y. Amoako UN under secretary general and executive secretary economic commission for Africa. AU Council of Ministers (71th Ordinary Session: 2000, Mar. 6-10 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
8th Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE 2010): opens with the theme "Earth Observation for Africa's Development Agenda"“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (2010-10). 8th Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE 2010): opens with the theme "Earth Observation for Africa's Development Agenda". Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Abstracts/Résumes“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; World Meteorological Organization (1995-03). Abstracts/Résumes. UN. ECA Conference on Water Resources : Policy and Assessment. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Accelerating a continent's development: the ECA partnership framework“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (1998-01). Accelerating a continent's development: the ECA partnership framework. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Accelerating Africa's development“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Accelerating Africa's development. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA ,."
L'accès à l'énergie, vecteur de transformation des pays les moins avancés“Nations Unies. Commission économique pour l'Afrique (2017-11). L'accès à l'énergie, vecteur de transformation des pays les moins avancés. Addis Abeba:. © NU. CEA,."