Rapport de la réunion mixte de la CEA et de l'OUA sur les télécommunicaitons en Afrique
La réunion sur les télécommunications en Afrique, organisée sous les auspices de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique et de l'Organisation de l'unité africaine, conformément a leurs résolutions. La réunion avait un ...
Transport and communications
This paper focuses on the Transport and communications resolution 60(VI) adopted by the commission at its 78th plenary meeting, on 2 March 1962.
Ce rapport parle à propos de la résolution 161 (VIII) adoptée par la commission sur les transports à sa 139ème séance plénière le 24 février 1967.
A common airline for eastern Africa : resolution adopted by the conference at its plenary meeting on 29th October, 1965
This paper focuses on resolution adopted by the conference at its plenary session on 29 October 1965 on the theme of a common airline for Eastern Africa.
Trans-sahara transport : resolution 114 (VI) adopted by the commission at its 113th plenary meeting on 2 March 1964
This document is a resolution 114 (VI) adopted by the commission at its 113th plenary meeting on 2 March 1964.
Transport: resolution 147(VII) adopted by the Commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1967
This draft resolution 147(VII) adopted by the Commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965 considering that the sub-regional approach is only the first step towards the realization of a fully integrated ...
Report of the Joint Meeting of ECA and OAU on Telecommunications in Africa
This document focuses on the Meeting on Telecommunications in Africa, sponsored jointly by the Economic Commission for Africa and the Organization for African Unity under their respective resolutions 48 (VII) and TRC/RES/ll ...
Liaisons transsahariennes : résolution 114 (VI) adoptée par la commission à sa 113ème séance plénière le 3 mars 1964
La liaison transsaharienne, reconnue deja par le Comité permanent de l'industrie, des réssources naturelles et des transports au cours de Sa session de decembre 1963 et reaffirmée par le Groupe de travail des transports.
Maritime transport : resolution adopted by the conference at its plenary meeting on 29 October, 1965
This paper focuses on resolution adopted by the conference at its plenary session on 29 October 1965 on the theme of Maritime Transport.
Meeting to arrange for stable agreement on the standardization of freight rates : resolution 101 (VI) adopted by the commission at its 112th plenary meeting on 9 February 1964
The paper consists of meeting to arrange for stable agreement of the standardization of freight rates. Resolution 101(VI) adopted by the commission at its 112th plenary meeting 0n 29 February 1964.